Karri's new hatch post. DueDue FEb 24th!!!!!!!!!!


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I just candled and I have 26 growing and well out of 32 eggs!!!!!! I had 22 of my own in and there were 3 out of those that candled clear. They look like the same egg. Does anyone ever have one hen that their rooster doesn't touch??? I just thought that was weird. I had all fertile out of my last batch, maybe these got a bit too cold before I got to them.
ANyways I have one millie growing, 2 silkies, and 1 buff laced polish crested. All of the other eggs are sex links or barred rocks that I'm hatching for my aunt. I am just so excited, this will be the biggest hatch I've had so far!!!!
Since I know how ridiculous I will be I though I would go ahead and get a thread gowing. When these hatch out and I take them to my aunt, I get to pick up all of the chickies that we ordered together!!!???!?!?!??!?!? I am fit to burst!
My hatch is due on the 25th ...I put in 18 light brahmas...I have 15 growing and had 2 clears and one blood ring so far...yes , I have a hen I don't think the rooster is mating with and I think her eggs are the ones giving me trouble......thats why I wanted to hatch out some of this breed to see if I had any clears in the bunch....
Woohoo!!!! We'll all be hatching at the same time! I am so excited:) Of course now I am going to try to forget that they are there so I don't have a heart attack while I wait:)
I added three of my little silkies that I hatched out a while back and two black tailed japanese bantams that my Aunt gave us to our flock today. They have been out there in a cage for over a week so I out them to roost last night. They are so cute. I can't wait until they get everything worked out and I can watch them walking around all over the coop. SOOOOOO CUUTE!!!!!
Does anyone ever have one hen that their rooster doesn't touch???

Yes, I do, however, I also have a hen who has some sort of genetic problem. Her eggs are fertilized, but they never develop. I know for a fact they are fertilized, I see him mate her, I see the bullseye. NONE of her eggs have ever developed and they've been incubated by me and other people.​
My silkie rooster will only mate silkie girls. He wont go near the EE bantams. I had to arrange playdates
with the rooster in another pen of mine so i could hatch green bantam eggs.
That is soooo weird. I never knew that! Well, it's a good thing I only have one hen that lays pinkish eggs. I might try one more time to hatch them but if they are all clear next time I will only eat those!

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