Keel Wound healing treatment looks promising


6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
Miss Lydia suggested that I post this here about a finding that we have noted.
It is very exciting because the goose that we rescued from our local park that was being abused due to her being now recovering well after almost two years.
Here is what we have learned about healing of her keel wound: When we first got her the vet found a 6" by 1" wide open wound on her keel (chest). It was covered by a thick dark brown (eschar?) type scab that you see in people who have bedsores.
After the vets here all said it would be a gamble to try to heal the wound due to its size, her age, and how long she had had the wound, I tried to contact the experts in the state to find out what studies had been done on these and the best treatment for these. (The vets here had also told me that surgery to close the wound would be $600 and there was not a guarantee of success for it.)

I found that most of the exotics experts at the university research dept and docs renown for the specialty of exotics said the same thing. They also said that no studies had been done that they were aware of regarding the closure of keel wounds, and the best treatment for these.
So I basically watched for months to see if it was getting smaller on its own. After 18 months the wound was still the same size and there was no closure happening that I could see.
Then one day at the local Grange a woman overheard my question asking about what to use to heal a wound. She said she had a horse that had gotten badly cut up in barbed wire. She told me that a charcoal powder preparation called Wonder Dust given twice daily into the wound healed up the wounds totally.
Well I started using it daily in the evening on my goose's keel wound -- applying it at night before she goes into her night time shed. In two months the size has decreased down to about 1" by 1" (from 6")!!! There are a lot of new white feathers where the old wound was on her upper chest-- now the remaining wound is lower down almost over the abdomen area.
This is most definitely not scientific by any means, but we wanted to let people know that if you have a keel wound you should try this method (of course with your veterinarian's knowledge.)
In addition to the Wonder Dust I just kept her day sitting area as dry as possible, along with dry hay for her night shed, feed her pellets and some cracked corn, along with fresh leafy greens twice daily, hose down their area daily to remove waste, and that's about it.
I hope it can work for anyone else who is having this type of problem with their goose or duck....
Would like to hear from anyone else who has found this to also be effective-- or if anyone else has another successful treatment for keel wounds......

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