Keeping bunnies and guinea pigs with chickens and guinea fowl?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 30, 2007
Is this a good idea, or am i asking for trouble? I was wondering how practical it would be to keep my bunny and guinea pig out in the coop and closed-in run with my birds. I keep them outside when the weather is nice anyway -- they have the run of the deck and their cage for shelter -- so the climate wouldn't be a big change for them.
In my opinion you would be asking for trouble.

More from your Guinea's than anything else. Guinea's and chickens don't mix when confined to a pen.

You will be exposing your Rabbits and Guinea Pigs to all sorts of bacteria that will cause you to have to medicate them more than you should have to, if they are loose in your chicken pen.
And the chicken feed is not very good for them.

One member (can't remember who) had a major problem with their rabbit in with the chickens. If I remember right, the rabbit killed some chickens, but it may have been the other way around. I just don't remember.

In my opinion you would be asking for trouble.

More from your Guinea's than anything else. Guinea's and chickens don't mix when confined to a pen.

You will be exposing your Rabbits and Guinea Pigs to all sorts of bacteria that will cause you to have to medicate them more than you should have to, if they are loose in your chicken pen.
And the chicken feed is not very good for them.

One member (can't remember who) had a major problem with their rabbit in with the chickens. If I remember right, the rabbit killed some chickens, but it may have been the other way around. I just don't remember.


**I didn't mean to add this twice**
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I have 3 year old Guinea fowl three males and one female. They are in a coop/run that is 20'x30' can I introduce chickens into this arrangement?
I would think it would be fine with chickens raised with the bunny or piggy but you would have to keep the pen very clean and would have to have a place for the bun or pig to hide.
I would think the chickens would pick on the guinea pig.
As far as the guineas and chickens together. I got some guineas and put them with some chickens until I knew that would not leave. Like 3 or 4 weeks. Then I let them out with the chickens. After the chickens got to tearing up my flower bed at the house, I put them back up. I left the guineas out. They go absolutely crazy until I let them back in. And yes the guinea hens pick on my chickens. But not real bad.
I have a coop for my chickens and another for our quail. Then I have a guinea pig barn. Let me tell you the biosecurity we had to enact here is something. GermX is a wonderful thing and guinea Pigs cannot roam the floors without a special matt down since our shoes tract in all sorts of things.

Had a friend call me and ask why she was all of a sudden having a major bloody stool and death in her guinea pig room. I asked her if she even bothered to have her kiddos and her wash their hands after playing with their chickens and before touching or feeding their guinea pigs?

So as you can tell I say a big NO for guinea pigs in chicken coop.
I can tell you for one rabbits and guinea pigs don't go together. They can pass disease to each other, have different dietary needs, different temperature comfort zones, and rabbits can pretty easily kill guinea pigs with a playful kick.

I don't see adding guinea fowl and chickens to the equation as being too great, either. I'd keep everyone separate.

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