Keeping Chickens Free Range

Does anyone let there chickens free range in the snow? This is my first winter with my flock.. Its been very cold and snowy the last couple days so I have kept them I'm there coop. Thanks for your help :)
You can let them free range in the snow mine are usually very reluctant to, and some people employ strategies like food buckets out in the run,or out away from the coop to get them to go out in the snow.
Does anyone let there chickens free range in the snow? This is my first winter with my flock.. Its been very cold and snowy the last couple days so I have kept them I'm there coop. Thanks for your help
Mine have the option to go out, unless the snow is really deep and I'm afraid they'll get stuck. We had a couple inches of snow last week. The first morning of it, I opened the doors and chickens and ducks came with their usual crazed scramble, only to freeze completely immobile and staring as soon as they saw the snow. After a few moments of staring, they did an about face and marched right back in the coop.
I left the doors open and some of the big girls ventured a couple feet out the door, but no further. The next day I let them out (still snow on the ground) and they charged right out into it and stayed out all day long.
Does anyone let there chickens free range in the snow? This is my first winter with my flock.. Its been very cold and snowy the last couple days so I have kept them I'm there coop. Thanks for your help :)

Mine do. I shovel a path around the coop. Tgere are lots of non-snow covered areas for them to fet to if they want. Open the door. Let them decide.
That really depends on what breed he is. Not all bantams are the same size. I had a d'uccle rooster that was no bigger than him (maybe a bit smaller) and he was 1 1/2 yrs. old. I don't have him anymore. Aggression earned him a free ticket to freezer camp.
Thx, Aphrael. i had no idea there was a sub species to Bantams but I wouldn't. he was a freebee. I'm Not well enough to bother with 'camping' him, may be next year.
We didn't freeze last night, rather remarkable for S central Montana, this time of year. chickens are roaming further from the house each day. Bald spots and LOTS OF Feathers indicate I have 3 hens molting. I HATE buying eggs. Eck.
Thx, Aphrael. i had no idea there was a sub species to Bantams but I wouldn't. he was a freebee. I'm Not well enough to bother with 'camping' him, may be next year.
We didn't freeze last night, rather remarkable for S central Montana, this time of year. chickens are roaming further from the house each day. Bald spots and LOTS OF Feathers indicate I have 3 hens molting. I HATE buying eggs. Eck.
Yep bantams are just like large fowl in that there are many, many breeds. In fact there are many large fowl that have bantam versions, such as cochins, brahmas, orpingtons, etc.
I've got a big molt going on right now too. Looks like a pillow factory exploded in my yard.
The only reason we aren't buying eggs right now is because I got a lot of spring pullets that are laying really well and aren't molting.

PILLOW factory explosion, FUNNY! Yeah, i have feathers all over now too. Even found some in the house while I vacuuming today.
Next time I am in town, may get some of the stuff they say to use for pecking, since they have some bald spots. Don't see them pecking/picking on each much BUT DO Hear them fuss now and then. Better Safe than Sorry. May pen up the one that seems to bully most. but still thinking it's molting.
Oh, question: If my older ones start molting, will the younger ones follow suit?

OH, yeah! I have a digital camera now! Can post more pixs, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh boy…..
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