Keeping goats warm for upcoming arctic blast


6 Years
Mar 5, 2018
I live in East Texas and we are not accustomed to the arctic blast that is coming our way this Sunday/Monday. I'm sure a low of 7 degrees is not too big of a deal for most of you but we are not used to these temps. I have 6 adult goats, two little bucklings born about 2 weeks ago and triplet doelings that are only 3 days old. My barn is a steel metal building with a 7x10 opening. No barn door. I'm worried about the 5 babies staying warm, especially the triplets since they are so tiny. We plan to add more bedding and more heat lamps. Anything else I can do?
I have seen some folks stack bales 3 or 4 high of straw/hay as as further protection/barrier also playing the part as more insulation too. I have never owned goats (wish I could). But this is just something I've noticed some goat owners do. Hopefully this helps!
Thank you all for your suggestions. I am so happy to report that all of our goats made it through the arctic blast. When the power went out for 4 days the heat lamps were useless and with temps in the single digits I was really concerned for the babies. They made it though with the help of their mommas' warmth and milk. Truly blessed!
Thank you all for your suggestions. I am so happy to report that all of our goats made it through the arctic blast. When the power went out for 4 days the heat lamps were useless and with temps in the single digits I was really concerned for the babies. They made it though with the help of their mommas' warmth and milk. Truly blessed!
I have been known to put sweatshirts on goats. Something like a wooden box or a barrel on its side can provide shelter and warmth for baby goats.

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