Your pets and the cold!


Oct 27, 2018
I know there’s plenty of controversial and different opinions on dogs with poultry. I personally love dogs and love my birds so it was scary getting dogs to just guard the birds after all the horror stories I’ve heard of dogs killing peoples flocks. I have 2 pyrenees pups(each a year and a half old but they’re still “pups” to me), another adult female pyrenees and a female blue heeler. They’ve for the most part been perfect with my birds, except my young female who thinks they’re interactive chew toys and like to eat them. My heeler will attack and cleanly kill them , or any thing really, if I say the words GET IT. My adult female is terrified of the birds and will cower if a rooster charges her. My male pup will pick birds up gently like puppies and hide them, cuddle them and barks at hawks and vultures . They were all raised with chickens since tiny puppies, so I think it’s just the way they are not how they’ve been raised. They’re definitely enjoying the cold weather! It’s 22F , feels like 17F, and is going to get to , well expected to get to -7F, here and my dogs love it! They usually have to endure the Texas heat we get here so this is a welcome change. My heeler has to wear a coat but my pyrenees with their double coats are loving it!
On the contrary, my goats hate the cold. They’re all puffed up and some refuse to leave their stalls.
How are your dogs and other animals liking this cold? image.jpg Trixie in her big coat 69B4B167-E4C0-4429-BAB3-2EC3D8215782.jpeg Its not a growl! Bailey smiles for treats and on command, and when we go to feed in the morning. D23B1101-A32B-41A4-B9DD-2928AD028611.jpeg Chloe, Trixie and Bailey posing for a picture image.jpg Percival and Hanna. Percy was given to us after his owner abandoned him at an ag barn when he didn’t win show. We won Hanna in a Facebook raffle.
image.jpg Two of the first set of triplets and first set of babies this year. Naturally polled, dappled mini LaMancha x Nubian/Boer. Trying to cuddle up and stay warm in the dropped hay. Jasher and Jade image.jpg Jackson in a Santa suit to keep warm lol
Nice collection of critter photos and critter clothes!

I commend you for getting your critters to wear their coats. I used to have a goat kid who wore her coat for her first winter -- then staunchly refused to be dressed again. I said, yes; her horns said no.

Before my current rescue, my last dog was a Great Pyr (yours, like my Pearl, are gorgeous and I'm sure are great fans of cold and snow). My rescue is a small single-coated terrier who not only shivers in the cold, but begins shaking when it's time to put on her lovely blue coat. Is she aware that she's about to go out in the cold? No, it's the third coat I've had for her; she hates all of them equally. I often just let her out naked and we RUN through the yard, a 20-pound dog pulling me through the drifts.
Nice collection of critter photos and critter clothes!

I commend you for getting your critters to wear their coats. I used to have a goat kid who wore her coat for her first winter -- then staunchly refused to be dressed again. I said, yes; her horns said no.

Before my current rescue, my last dog was a Great Pyr (yours, like my Pearl, are gorgeous and I'm sure are great fans of cold and snow). My rescue is a small single-coated terrier who not only shivers in the cold, but begins shaking when it's time to put on her lovely blue coat. Is she aware that she's about to go out in the cold? No, it's the third coat I've had for her; she hates all of them equally. I often just let her out naked and we RUN through the yard, a 20-pound dog pulling me through the drifts.
It’s not fun trying to get them to keep their coats on! Trixie has lost a few , who knows where, but this purple one is staying on pretty well. I use dog coats for my kids because they don’t fall off east easily is goat coats.
I feel bad for all my cows and all my other animals because here in Texas is getting down to the 9’s soon and we’re not used to this weather

I’m going out to buy all the baby cows coats
We had purposely bred the goats so they wouldn’t kid in the cold; the weather said no haha and now we have babies dropping in this abnormal weather. Fuuun 😅
Our calves are staying in their stalls lol till it gets warmer.

Our little girl is such a skinny thing so she has to wear coats in cold weather. This is her waterproof snow coat, and she has three fleece coats as well.

Unfortunately I learned the hard way that no matter how cold she is, she can't wear anything without supervision. I got her some super cute shark print pajamas... and she ate them off her own body. She even ate a Thundershirt off herself. :rolleyes:
Your girl has much the same expression as my Dinah does when forced to wear her coat. It's not funny that yours has eaten her clothing, it's just that I imagine Dinah would LOVE to do the same thing.

It's not just coats. She's also eaten the trim off 1 dog bed, several doggie blankets, and the ears off some plushies. :rolleyes: So all the dog beds now are firm with minimal trim or protrusions, no more blankets on the ground, and well, can't help the plushies, though I haven't bought new ones so the current ones are all missing a ear or two.

Thankfully, she so far hasn't gotten any impaction that required medical intervention (we xray-ed her after the pajamas incident as she ate quite a lot of that). And more recently she seems to have lost some interest in eating fabric, so hopefully it stays that way.

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