I would be Leary of mixing bantams with an established large flock...but you might be much more successful if you mix chicks of large fowl, and let them grow up under bantams? Those constantly broody hens, give them some chicks to raise.

I think that the BO would be a good choice, BA's or barred rocks would be a good choice, but really I think just being raised up under and established flock might swing it your way.

Mrs K
we have a small bantam cross raising 3 orp chicks right now - they’re already as tall as she is and half her size at a few weeks old! I’m crossing my fingers that one or two of them are hens that I’ll keep in the hen house and I hope they’ll be Foxy’s bodyguards for life 🤗

to OP: our main hen house is a very mixed size flock and a couple of our smallest girls are at the top of the pecking order. with proper integration/raising, I don’t think you’ll have a problem. picking a docile bird may make things even easier as well!
Chickens are going to pick at each other regardless of size.
As long as you have plenty of space for everyone to get away from any hassle if they want to you should have minimal problems.
Trouble happens when someone gets cornered it has nothing to do with size at all.:)

I don't know how much room you have or what techniques you use to integrate but you will probably have as much luck with full sized as you would bantams.
This is great advice, @Chickassan I have an already established bantam flock of bantams that have a strict pecking order! I think if a larger chicken was to pick on anyone, someone would step in.

@Ridgeas of now, I don't have too much space. 😬 Thankfully, we just built a brand new coop that will have 10x15 indoor space for chickens & a 10x60 run! I feel like having only 17 bantam chickens in all that space would almost be a waste. 😅

Thank y'all for the advice! I think I'll try 2 "regular sized" chickens first & see how it goes. 😊

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