Killing Geese


Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Does anyone know where I can find pictures or video of people actually killing their geese? All the other steps for processing are readily available, but for some reason images of the actual killing are hard to come by. I've only found one video of a woman wielding tree loppers, and I'd prefer to see the more usual methods. I'm more a visual, hands-on learner so written descriptions do nothing for me, and I want to be prepared with a plan a couple years from now when my geese are breeding. Normally I'd have someone show me in person, but no one I know raises geese for meat or even hunts the wild version; I'm very much in beef and venison country. And any opinions or advice on techniques to use for geese is more than welcome! Basically I'm psyching myself up - this is going to be hard for me.

I'm also getting muscovies and will be processing any extra males I may wind up with. I haven't started looking for information on processing ducks yet as I assumed it would be easier than finding goose info, but if that's a notion I need to be disabused of or you simply know of a good, illustrated reference to point me toward, thank you kindly!
Does anyone know where I can find pictures or video of people actually killing their geese? All the other steps for processing are readily available, but for some reason images of the actual killing are hard to come by. I've only found one video of a woman wielding tree loppers, and I'd prefer to see the more usual methods. I'm more a visual, hands-on learner so written descriptions do nothing for me, and I want to be prepared with a plan a couple years from now when my geese are breeding. Normally I'd have someone show me in person, but no one I know raises geese for meat or even hunts the wild version; I'm very much in beef and venison country. And any opinions or advice on techniques to use for geese is more than welcome! Basically I'm psyching myself up - this is going to be hard for me.

I'm also getting Muscovy's and will be processing any extra males I may wind up with. I haven't started looking for information on processing ducks yet as I assumed it would be easier than finding goose info, but if that's a notion I need to be disabused of or you simply know of a good, illustrated reference to point me toward, thank you kindly!
Butchering is probably a better title 😅 There won't be many videos on this topic because Youtube won't let that get by... Here's a video that might help!


How to Butcher ALL the Poultry | Chicken, Turkey, Duck + Goose


Butchering is probably a better title 😅 There won't be many videos on this topic because Youtube won't let that get by... Here's a video that might help!

How to Butcher ALL the Poultry | Chicken, Turkey, Duck + Goose

Thanks! Yeah, the censoring is insane. I'm of the mind that if you censor stuff like this people are more likely to botch things up, and the last thing I want to do is cause an animal undue pain.
Maybe butchering would have been a better title, but so much of my job was killing animals while using words like "euthanize" or "put to sleep" in order to make people feel better about what they were doing that I developed a strong distaste for couching terms. That's definitely a me problem, though, and I'll keep it in mind if I ever ask for advice on meat birds again.
Thanks! Yeah, the censoring is insane. I'm of the mind that if you censor stuff like this people are more likely to botch things up, and the last thing I want to do is cause an animal undue pain.
Maybe butchering would have been a better title, but so much of my job was killing animals while using words like "euthanize" or "put to sleep" in order to make people feel better about what they were doing that I developed a strong distaste for couching terms. That's definitely a me problem, though, and I'll keep it in mind if I ever ask for advice on meat birds again.
Yeah. A lot of people will get really mad for showing how you should properly butcher any animal... even though it's educating and helpful. I can understand why, but it's not really fair as well in some ways..
You're welcome!
I found it by using "graphic" goose kill tutorial. Like you all talked about before, YouTube sensors a lot of the animal killing so if you put "graphic" in the title it can help pull up the kind of video you're looking for.
Oh, that is a very helpful tip. It sure would have saved a lot of frustration had I known that earlier. Thanks again!

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