Killing my chickens!


6 Years
Jun 6, 2013
We have a rascal killing my chickens! We are losing one a night. My husband is putting out live traps, but to no avail yet. We live in a very rural area and feel as though a coon is raiding the yard. Do you have any suggestions as what to do to prevent this? I began with 22 hens and one rooster, now we have 15 hens and a rooster.
Any suggestions are appreciated...thanks
We have a rascal killing my chickens! We are losing one a night. My husband is putting out live traps, but to no avail yet. We live in a very rural area and feel as though a coon is raiding the yard. Do you have any suggestions as what to do to prevent this? I began with 22 hens and one rooster, now we have 15 hens and a rooster.
Any suggestions are appreciated...thanks
do you have a dog (or 2 or 10). When we first bought this place there were a lot of racoons stopping by for a snack. But our dogs go around marking the perimeter and the predator population, while still large, does not visit us the way they used to. also, letting the dogs out a couple of times each night to "do their business" helps to run off anything that tries to use the cover of night.

Traps, while they can be effective, only capture the animal so that you can kill it or release it to return again. Guns, the most effective and permanent deterrent (and one that we have had to use a few times) rid you of the pest but leave you with a body to dispose of.
Coop the birds at night and every night. Besides roaming dogs and hawks in the day there's not nearly as much to worry about compared to nighttime. Chickens are sleeping so can't even attempt to run away from weasels to raccoons and fox. They need to be in a coop at night and every night with the door closed and hardwire covering vent holes.
racoons can kill just one or two or the whole flock it varies. In my experience weasels kill a bunch all at once. Fox will take just one so quite possible. Are the hens missing or are you finding bodies? If there are bodies what is tore up on them?
Where do you keep your chickens at night? If in a coop you need to find where the predator is getting in and fix it. Even if you catch this one, another will just find the same entrance.
Why are the predators getting in? answer that?, fix it.. problem solved, otherwise all your chickens will be gone shortly...
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We have a rascal killing my chickens! We are losing one a night. My husband is putting out live traps, but to no avail yet. We live in a very rural area and feel as though a coon is raiding the yard. Do you have any suggestions as what to do to prevent this? I began with 22 hens and one rooster, now we have 15 hens and a rooster.
Any suggestions are appreciated...thanks

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