Lakenvelders... am I the only one?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Central/Western Oklahoma
Hi, there,
I am new to this forum, but not new to raising chickens. I have a question about Lakenvelders. Several years ago, I was hurt in an accident on the farm, and I was forced to sell off all the livestock because I could not get around to take care of them. Now that my son has grown up, he has decided he misses the chickens and he wants to get back into poultry, so we are starting over with a new small flock this year. He has selected some nice dual purpose breeds (Brahmas and Astralorps) but I wanted to get a few of my beloved Lakenvelders to start over with, and my son says he is happy to do the heavy lifting I might need. So, I went to a local breeder who has nice birds and bought a dozen eggs, and just hatched out a new batch on Tuesday.

Here is the thing: her adult birds seemed like mine were when I had them, a bit stand offish but not as freaky as say a Leghorn or some such. But everything I keep hearing, from reading around a bit on the 'net, seems to be about how crazy and self destructive they are, and how aggressive. Are there any other Lakie breeders out there who can discuss this with me? The gal I got my birds from was also kind of nonplussed by that description, but she says that she has not really talked to a lot of other breeders so who knows what the baseline for the breed might be these days. They are not very common around here (I live in Oklahoma.) These new babies are busy jumping all over my hands and trying to climb up my sleeves every time I reach in the brooder, but then I talk to my eggs when I am incubating (weird, I know!) But my granddad told me that if you talk to the eggs quietly, especially the last week or so, the peeps will recognize your voice after they are hatched out. I can't prove him wrong, so I still do it. It does seem to work.

At the same time as I hatched out the Lakenvelders, I also hatched out a couple dozen Americauna eggs for a friend. Those chicks are certainly robust and thrifty! also from the same breeder, but they are FAR less friendly than my Lakenvelder chicks. They are not spooky as such, just not as intense about trying to climb up me. And several run to hide behind the feeder when I reach in to take out the waterer, etc. The Lakies all run TOWARDS me.

Do I just have the weirdest Lakenvelders in the world, or are the characterizations that I am reading off base, maybe from people who are less experienced with poultry and are not managing them properly? I want to know, because I like my birds to be easy to handle, esp now that I am so disabled. I know my Polish were always less easily startled than my Lakenvelders, but not a lot. And my Lakies always recovered from startling pretty easily, and they were good about coming up to me for treats. Heck I had one roo I could not keep off of my shoe LOL. I am hoping to find out that there are other Lakie breeders out there I can go to for some variance in a year or so, who have nice fairly calm birds. I know they are not a sleepy and placid breed, but mine were never freaky flighty aggressive jerks either. Love to find a happy medium!! Anybody know?

Edited to add: I corrected where I had said they hatched Weds (today) I am on a different time schedule than most since my better half works nights, so they were hatched out late Tues nite/early yesterday morning, and I realized that might be confusing so I went back and fixed it :)
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there's a lakevenvelder thread on here that has some people on it, but its slow moving
. Mine don't run toward me but aint like what I have read about either. I did have a mean rooster, but the others seem to be good so far. What color did you get? and
Thanks! I looked for a Lakenvelder thread, but I am new here so I probably just didn't find it. I got a dozen Golden Lakie eggs, I saw the adult birds and they were very handsome. She had a really nice healthy flock, nicely marked birds too. My first ones I had before I got hurt were the silvers, and they were not as friendly as these but they were not freaky either. I hatched out 10 of the eggs on Tues, one was clearly infertile when I candled at 10 days so I discarded it, the others were fine except one more that looked kind of just... off. I went ahead and kept it in the 'bator but it was a dud as I suspected, air cell never increased, etc etc. Of the 10 hatched out, 8 survived and are busy running around in the brooder. Every time I open it to change the water or clean or what have you, they all mob me! or if I walk up to the brooder and talk softly, they all run over and peep at me. Darndest bunch of chicks I ever saw! Maybe they could tell how excited I was, and they just somehow know how badly I wanted them to hatch!

Edited to add: these are the new babies

There is one little Americauna baby too, but we won't hold it against him ;)
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lol I think I know who you got your eggs from if them eggs came from around HWY 40. I got some from her as well, and other places. I have both colors right now
. Good luck with yours. There's a search box at the top of the page that you can put lakenvelder in and the stiff with lakenvelders will pop up
Thank you! So far they are just splendid. I was so happy to see this many hatch so early in the year, heck I would have been happy if I got 5. Fertility seems to be down this year in this region for some reason, and my hens started laying far later than usual too. Maybe it is the weird weather. I am not sure where this lady lives, I met her at a sale, but she had really nice birds. Hwy 40 is pretty close to this auction, certainly a reasonable distance and she said she shows a lot too so I hope to catch her at some events and see what else she has. I know the Americauna eggs I bought for my friend certainly hatched very well, 85% on those and ALL of them are tumbling around in the brooder very busy and thrifty. That tells me a lot about the quality of the parents! She was selling some of the ones these eggs came from, and if I had more room I probably would have bought the adults too. They were pretty calm considering all the noise and confusion at the sale, probably though if they had been to shows they were used to it. I can't get around easily to get to people's farms, so I try to get together with them at shows or the larger sales where I can get in and out with a cart if I have to. :)
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I would have bought the adult birds over the eggs any day! I love going to flock swaps around here. Get to see and meet all kinds of animals and people.
Normally I would too, but I didn't have any pens built yet. My son had all my pens full with his breeds, the Astralorps and Brahmas. I spent the time these were incubating making them a new pen and getting everything ready for them. But trust me, if she has any at the sale on Saturday I will be buying them! Her birds are not just handsome, but clearly produce strong viable peeps and have a high fertility. Worth every penny!
Back from the sale... WOW!!! Really crappy day with a lot of chilly rain, but it worked out well for us, because I managed to buy so much poultry that I had to STOP before the sale was over because I could not fit any more cages into my wagon! AND the lady with the eggs was there, and I bought ALL of her eggs, every last one of them. Including a new dozen of gold Lakenvelders

Plus,18 white topped black Polish eggs, 18 Americaunas, 18 blue laced red and gold laced Wyandottes, and a dozen Red Hamps. Good thing I brought the big cabinet incubator in from the farm this week! I was hoping to get lucky, and I did. I also got the lady's business card, so that I can get in touch to get some adults as well. :)

I ended up with about 20 half grown out Astralorp chicks, 7 new ducklings, 12 goslings, a mated pair of white China geese, (laid an egg before I could get them home too) 9 nice laying hens and a partridge in a pear tree... no wait, that was a light Brahma hen.

Thanks for the good thoughts, looks like it worked!
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