
I took some updated pics of my Lakenvelders.

Here is my 16 week old Silver pullet named Moon

And the new Goldens, at 3 days old.

Sadly the 1 Silver that came in my order last week died today.
Only one of the Golden Lakenvelder eggs hatched. I love this brave. The first to try everything.

Checking herself out in the mirror =)
Day 5

Day 13

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Mine is a silver:) seems to be boss chick but is definitely not a roo, which is good:) Since it's the favorite chick of the kids she gets haddled alot.
So my def NOT a roo because I ordered sexed yup you guessed it cocka doodle rooo:( First chick is my lone lakenvelder and his compadre roo:(

Soo sorry...I feel the same way about an EE chick I have. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a roo. The Lakenvelder I posted pictures of above, is the only Lakenveder that hatched, so I am hoping it's a girlie girl. How old before you knew?
FINALLY got 3 golden roos
to go with my hens, and have more eggs cooking
This is Henry my Lakenvelder rooster. He came to me as a stray, just showed up one day. His owner is just 3 doors down. He says he will not stay in the coop. He free ranges here and sleeps on the deck on some perches we made. He has a house but will go in it in the day time during bad weather.When he first came, he would follow me around like a puppy. He is on the shy side. One day last Feb. another rooster showed up. Henry thought that was great I got a buddy. We thought it was a hen, comb flopped over, didn't crow looked like a Welsummer. Turned out my Gretta became Grissom the comb was frostbitten and after eating a few strawberries in the spring, he started to crow. Then I decided to get some EE hens. All during this time when you saw one you saw the other, best buddies. Grissom turned out to be a handsome bird. During Hurricane Irene, Henry was missing. Poor Grissom crowed and crowed looking for him. The next evening he found him. He was in the field bleeding badly and Grissom attacked him more. We rushed over there to see what was going on, got Grissom away and rushed Henry to the spigot and let the cold water stopped the bleeding on his comb and put him in his house. Every time I tried to let him out Grissom would attack. Henry would just run and not fight back. What a mess. Henry's owner happen to come over with another rooster thought it was ours and we told him what happened. He said the hens are the cause of the fighting, and it would just get worse. Being that Grissom was his rooster too, we let him take him back with him. I decided to keep Henry being Lakenvelders are so rare. Now he has 14 hens to watch half bantams half EE. He patrols the outside of the run all day. He has jumped on me a few times but no blood drawn just feathers brushing up against my leg. I keep my rake with me just in case, he don't like the rake. I'm sure it's male hormones kicking in, he's good most of the time and such a good protector of the girls. Some day I might get a Lakenvelder hen to free range with Henry. I wonder if that would help things or make it worst.

He is so handsome =)
I'm pretty sure mine is a pullet. I'll have to update her photos. She is a lap chicken and very very feminine looking. I named her Velda. I really want to hatch out some more.

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