
thanks, she might have been older, as I didn't have her as a chick. The lady that I got her from had her two years, but also didn't have her as a chick. So I guess that she was around 11 when she passed if you add in the time I had her. She quite laying when she was 10 years old, and she lost her twin at 8 years. I got two at the same time and they stuck together til the end. And yes chickens mourn a loss!
I had two very good looking lakenvelders before a disease killed them and half my flock. The female was golden and the rooster was white/original. They weren't quite at the crowing age yet
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Hopefully but I have not seen anyone in my area that sells and I would need to build some more shelter for them. Busy busy busy.

Only part I find strange is that several people in this thread said they were flighty and skiddish. May just be they were young but mine were really tame plus feeding them yogurt helped a lot. The roo and the hen would follow me all over the yard. Sometimes they would be a little too close while I was feeding one of the game fowl and they would quickly remember that they weren't the biggest on the block.
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if handled alot as chicks they aint to flighty, but if not handled they are flighty. My first set were very flightly, she slowed donw some in her old age (11) but not much. Good luck making some more chicken homes and getting some.
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2strayroos well if all goes right, this time, I'll have eggs in sliver and gold. If you want to try hatching some next spring
Thanks for the offer. I dont't have the stuff to hatch eggs but one of my co-workers do all that. I do have a sometimes broody Japanese bantam. She might will do it being that the eggs she thinks she is hatching are imaginary ones

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