
Very cute chick!

I have six silver eggs ready to lockdown next week. They are my fertility test on my pullet eggs. I set the first egg I got and that was the only one that didn't develop. Then I put in these six and they have all developed. Right now I'm getting two eggs per day, but I have six (or is it 7?) girls covered by two boys. The other 12 boys are in the spare cockerel pen
My pens were a bit boy heavy!

Only one of the Lakenvelder eggs hatched. Here is the little package of cute.
This egg didn't get marked somehow..I'm usually pretty OCD about I thought this was a Buttercup egg. I was thrilled when it turned out to be the GL.

cute chick, I have a hard time getting them to hatch and even harder getting them past the first few weeks and I have tried 3 different breeders. Dont know if theres just not enough people working with them or not for a good enough genetic diversity. Good luck with yours
and even harder getting them past the first few weeks and I have tried 3 different breeders. Dont know if theres just not enough people working with them or not for a good enough genetic diversity. Good luck with yours

I only have the silvers, but I have two distinct exhibition lines. They are one of my favorite breeds and didn't want to back myself into a corner genetically. They are truly beautiful and need more people to champion them!

It's the same with Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. Not enough diversity, viability is poor in the hatching eggs. I ordered these, had 6, only two developed and only one hatched. The other one quit late.
Oops, sorry, I just found your post. Everyone looks pretty pathetic at the moment, molting and feathers everywhere. I'll see if I can get some pictures. I was looking at one of the pullets a few minutes ago and her markings are starting clean up. I was sizing her up for a show coming up in Nov.

I've just been swamped lately, I'm in the middle of remodeling my kitchen.

I have just had three different people get some Lakenvelder eggs...............nothing like spreading the beauties around and getting more people interested in them!

good luck with the kitchen, and yay for spreading the breed around

I know what you mean about birds looking ruff. My sumatra roos had lost all their tail feathers a few weeks ago and looked so odd, but they are starting to come back. Than I have other pens that look like someone shot a bird in it because all the lose feathers everywhere
good luck with the kitchen, and yay for spreading the breed around

I know what you mean about birds looking ruff. My sumatra roos had lost all their tail feathers a few weeks ago and looked so odd, but they are starting to come back. Than I have other pens that look like someone shot a bird in it because all the lose feathers everywhere
Yes, I literally spread them around, IL & FL and I have some going to another part of CA.

You should see my pen with bantam cochins. I swear the feathers come up over your shoes when you walk, how can three tiny birds throw so many feathers and not be bald?

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I have one Lakenvelder hen named Salt (pictured below). She is a great forage, she can demolish a compost pile in no time and loves to eat green bean sprouts. She is not at all shy and is sometimes aggressive with people and other hens (Nothing serious though). My only complaint is that she is very loud. She "barks" and "crows" frequently which would not be a problem in the country but is in the city where I Iive. I sometimes bring her in the kitchen so she will quiet down. She likes being amongst the bustle of the house during lunch and really likes getting scraps. Overall a good bird. She lays small-ish eggs 6 days a week and looks very cute when she is not pecking your hand/ "barking" for treats. I hope that helps.

If you get a Lakenvelder, let me know what your bird is like. I am not sure if Salt is normal or an anomaly.

Salt being feisty and attacking the camera.

Salt and Pepper (Easter Egger) enjoy the new lawn.

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