Lame ducks

That first one, the all black one, just screams drake to me. The size, the thick legs, the large face mask. The other one, I'm not 100%. More pictures would definitely help. It's much easier to sex muscovies if you have a bunch to compare to each other
The size is usually the giveaway.
Thank you so much!!! She/he (the black one) is the more aggressive one and has tried to take a bite out of us so it's not a surprise that you think she/he is a male. The other one is not aggressive but is about the same size and has about the same facial markings. The person who came over( I'm going to stop using the word duck expert) said that they were over fed but we don't feed them a ton so if thats true maybe thats the reason why they are so big.
I really don't see a thing wrong with them. They are beautiful ducks. Let me see if this person can tell you for sure on the male or female.

@Miss Lydia she has these kind of ducks
Yeah they are very healthy ducks, and thank you!!! The term lame duck means that they don't have the ability to lay eggs
and yes almost everywhere I've seen her ducks online!! Shes been a huge help!!!! @Miss Lydia
Miss Lydia has been sick so she might not be able to reply. I know she has always been a great help to everyone on byc. She could tell you for sure if you have 2 males. With no eggs in a year and a half I would have to assume you have 2 males.
If the black one is more aggressive it's the dominant one and if they have not hurt each other in a year and a half then they have probably gotten it sorted out.. Mating season just gets the hormones going...I just added a new adult male to my muscovy ducks and he and my boy we're going at it for a day or two and now they have gotten it sorted out....
If the black one is more aggressive it's the dominant one and if they have not hurt each other in a year and a half then they have probably gotten it sorted out.. Mating season just gets the hormones going...I just added a new adult male to my muscovy ducks and he and my boy we're going at it for a day or two and now they have gotten it sorted out....
Thanks for your input!! They still sometimes attack each other and pin each other down but is that just normal for ducks?

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