Lame hen went blind?


May 26, 2020
Kent Island, Maryland
Has anyone had a chicken with an ailment that caused lameness and, later, blindness???

This is an extension of my original post here. Please see for a more in-depth backstory.

A little over a month ago, one afternoon, my year-and-a-half-old silkie hen started walking wobbly. Then, after about 12 hours, she couldn't stand or walk at all.

I took her to the vet, and, after some x-rays and an examination, he said that it seemed to be spinal trauma (again, see my OP for more depth about the exam). I was directed that all we can really do is have her rest and hopefully heal. So, that is what I did.

It has been a month, and there is no improvement. Also, over the last couple of days, she has stopped willingly eating and drinking. However, my husband and I think it may be because she cannot see. She does not respond to any stimuli, and her pupils don't respond to light.

Has anyone had a chicken with (or know of) an ailment that might cause lameness and, later, blindness??? I was thinking Marek's but the doctor said it didn't seem like Marek's to him because of the placement of her legs (she does not exhibit the tell-tale sign of the one leg in the front).
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I’m sorry for your hen. Without testing you won’t know what the issue is. There are a number of ailments that cause similar symptoms in chickens and an exam is not enough to diagnose them.
I’m sorry for your hen. Without testing you won’t know what the issue is. There are a number of ailments that cause similar symptoms in chickens and an exam is not enough to diagnose them.
Yea, I know. I've gotten Marek's/Avian flu/etc. tests for my chickens before. I just didn't know if anyone has ever had this exact experience and maybe had gotten tested or diagnosed. I haven't been able to find anything in my research.
Yea, I know. I've gotten Marek's/Avian flu/etc. tests for my chickens before. I just didn't know if anyone has ever had this exact experience and maybe had gotten tested or diagnosed. I haven't been able to find anything in my research.
I wish you the best of luck with her.
Thank you. She isn't eating or drinking for me anymore, so, unfortunately, I had to make an appointment to put her down this afternoon.

It never gets easier.
Hi, sorry for your loss... I have an older hen (3yr 8months) with similar symptoms. When I realized she wasn't eating I started feeding her with tube& syringe. It has been quite the experience (my first time, and I didn't do everything right each step of the way)

At first I thought I was treating an infection as she had water belly, but not ascites (I drained her and the liquid was opaque) eventually the swelled belly remained, but nothing would come out when I punctured, so I thought she was palliative.

If it was Marek's she would already be dead. (She was vaccinated and no other hens are ill)

The water belly has resolved, and the paralysis is mostly done as she can move her legs now, but has no strength in them. But she is blind, I am confused and continuing to tube feed her.

I wonder if she might have eaten something toxic. They are free range and can get into things sometimes...

In hindsight is there anything that you came to suspect that might point me somewhere?

Sorry to ramble... Her name is Charlotte and she is not at all ready for her afterlife. If she wanted to be done I would euthanize her, but she is still feisty and eager to get back out to the garden.

Thanks for reading :) let me know if you have any suggestions
Yea, I know. I've gotten Marek's/Avian flu/etc. tests for my chickens before. I just didn't know if anyone has ever had this exact experience and maybe had gotten tested or diagnosed. I haven't been able to find anything in my research.
Have you tried vitamin supplements? My Polish chickens will act this way when they are low on Vitamin B12. I give them daily doses of Poultry Cell. Within a few days, you should see improvement.
Have you tried vitamin supplements? My Polish chickens will act this way when they are low on Vitamin B12. I give them daily doses of Poultry Cell. Within a few days, you should see improvement.
How do you dose it (are they bantam, do you dose each hen or just the flock?) and how do you give it?( In water bowl or tube feed? One time or multi days?) Gosh if this works I'll be so pleased. I have been tube feeding her for weeks and she is just well enough I can't euthanize but so poorly I keep wondering if I should.
How do you dose it (are they bantam, do you dose each hen or just the flock?) and how do you give it?( In water bowl or tube feed? One time or multi days?) Gosh if this works I'll be so pleased. I have been tube feeding her for weeks and she is just well enough I can't euthanize but so poorly I keep wondering if I should.
I use a syringe (without needle) and drop 2 ml into their mouths under his tongue or to the side of their beak one daily. You have to be careful that they don't aspirate it. I did this for only 3 days, and my little hen started standing up on her own. I would continent doses for quite a while because of your hens condition. You can give it to chickens in their water as well. My Polish are difficult and act lame often so, I've decided to give it to them in their water each time I clean and fill it. You only have to put 1 t. in a gallon. This YouTube subscription is the very best for info. She's fantastic with years and years of experience.


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