Lame hen


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2022
My pekin hen Little Edie, aged around 3 years, is suddenly lame in one leg. Happy, chatty, eating drinking & pooing normally, but her right leg is not weight-bearing and the foot doesn’t respond to stimulus. I’ve had her indoors for several days and wrapped the leg in vet’s tape to try and give it support, but no change. Any ideas?


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So she can't use her leg at all and she won't move her foot? Will she grip your finger with her toes?
Can/will she walk?
Do you know if she's vaccinated for Marek's? Are all your other birds acting normal?
You probably don't need the vet's tape, I don't think it'll do a whole lot.
Other hens are perfectly normal. She tries to hop about a bit, and stand. She won’t grip my finger with that foot but she will with the other. I don’t know if they’re vaccinated for Marek’s. They’re all from the same breeder.
Other hens are perfectly normal. She tries to hop about a bit, and stand. She won’t grip my finger with that foot but she will with the other. I don’t know if they’re vaccinated for Marek’s. They’re all from the same breeder.
Okay! It sounds like she may have just injured it badly.
If they're from a breeder, I don't think they'd be vaccinated.

I would give her 1/2 a B Complex tablet, and Vitamin E 400IU, it should help her leg out.
She may be in pain too, so you could give her 81 grain aspirin. Give one whole thing in the morning and evening the next few days and see if it helps.
Make sure she's getting plenty of rest and not moving around too much.
Thanks. I’ve bought some B vits and I’ll see if pain relief helps. Keeping her pretty immobile & quiet; she sat & watched The Talented Mr Ripley with us tonight 😂

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