landscaped run

yeah, the yellow things in front of the coop are supposedly toxic, i just keep them clipped back, they still eat them occasionaly when they free range cause they're everywhere in our yard, none ever had an issue so i just keep it clipped back. I only have 5 old english bantams in there right now, only two or three come out at time cause their split up, as far as chickens go i think they're one of the more gentle breeds, definitely better than any kind of standard, i have 17 freedom rangers (foraging broilers) that are tearing up our rasberries as i speak, they'll kill anything. i wish i had some japanese cause they'd look great in there. (then again they were bred for looking pretty in gardens so of course they would...)
I have 4 hens in my backyard. They have done almost no damage to the plants or the lawn.
Your run looks nice.
I throw scratch in the mossy parts of the lawn and let them demoss it. They are doing a good job.
I have long ago gave up on worrying about toxic plants. I think they are all listed somewhere.

Imp-They refuse to learn how to push the lawnmower.
if they free range over a large area then its unlikely, (but still very possible) that the yard will sustain any real damage, most often just their favorite plants get wiped out.
I love the idea of pretty litte OEG's having a decorated yard, there are certain plants that those tiny birds won't be able to hurt, I might fence in that cancer-like 5-leaf Akebia monster in my back yard and borrow those yard rangers you have though, this invasive thing has taken over.
I think it looks great!! I too would love to do something like this...if when I dug the hole for the plant put 1 by 1 hardware cloth in the hole around the roots the chickens could not get them...would that help...
I love your idea!!
Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your updates please
I like it and you have given me ideas since my run is still in construction. Since I am digging post holes I could dig a couple more for deep rooted plants. Worth a try.

I think the wire around the base is a good idea. Now you have me really thinking about beautification.
it definitely helps to keep the plants fenced until there well established, there's a couple of root cuttings with poultry wire around them in the picture. this kind of design would never work with any kind of standard, the only plants that'll hold up to more than 1-2 standards are hardy conifers and perhaps certain types of agressive and non bushy bamboo (we have tons of that too, i'm thinking about planting a runner or to in either my chickens or pheasants)
if you have the plants around its always worth a shot, try looking in the woods around your house (if you live in the sticks like i do) you might find some nice wild plants or inspiration. I always think its a pity when i see a beautifully constructed run and coop, and the run is a mud pit when it rains and a dust bowl when its dry and bare dirt the rest of the time.

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