Landscaping and Plantings for a Free Range Flock

Two Cattle Panels in size: that green house wouldn't be too hard to move about either. And the extra Winter space for chickens to stretch their legs during our long white winters is VERY appealing. Not to mention getting a start on plantings. We generally cannot plant here until mid May to Memorial weekend due to frost still happening. So a short season would be a very good reason to have a green house! LOL.

Teila...I always forget that about Australians, South Africans and such...You guys are having spring and summer is coming! **Jealous**
I like all our seasons around here to be honest. You have to. But ever since getting chickens 4 years ago...I have a sympathetic heart towards them...and winter just is long around here for them. Although as I've said...last year wasnt too bad. They spent about 2 months in the run. Years before it's been as long as 6!
If I were to build GH again, I'd do 3 CP to give 8 x 12 foot print. 8 x 8 is good if it's going to be moved around. But 8 x 12 is much more versatile in terms of room. With conventional gardening in my zone and area, my neighbors often can't even start prepping their soil until close to Memorial Day. With permanent garden mulch of either BTE or Ruth Stout method, I can start planting much earlier. One year, I was out planting in mid March. Granted, it was under a tunnel, BUT, I was planting!!! GH is very easy to move. Well, it is doable, and I can do it ALONE with 3 pieces of 2" PVC. I recommend that method for moving GH rather than going to the bother of installing wheels. If you build it as a tractor, Wheels would be a nice feature, but don't forget to skirt it to keep birds in and critters out.
Put a bit of fencing around them. I have a small roll of "decorative" white fencing that is about 12' tall. I'm sure it's designed to be a flower garden border. Looks as ugly as all get out, but makes a great "keep the birds out of a small area" fence. I've also used it to make the skeleton for MHP.
BEAUTIFUL Chicken Yards BogtownChick & Teila, sure more will be posting their yards. Like duluthralphie, my yard's not "pretty" but working towards functional. Getting ideas as to what to plant but with all the rain we've been getting (Hilo, HI) it's been difficult working outside lately. My chicks are a month old and still in the brooder, luckily it works as a coop if need be. I've got an open Run/Coop from the last batch I raised, these could move out to it hopefully early next year. They will be allowed to free range during the day, confined at night for their safety.

Hey ChickNanny13 - I have cousins' that live on Hilo. I will be very interested in following you raising chickens there.
So here is what I'm curious about. Do any of you plant winter forage? I plant winter rye. I've also planted a winter wheat along my fence line.

So here is what I'm curious about. Do any of you plant winter forage? I plant winter rye. I've also planted a winter wheat along my fence line.

No winter forage here. I save bags and bags of pine needles. Smells soooo good and they love going through it when I add a new bag to the coop/run throughout the winter.
Does anyone else have trouble with the chooks scratching out the young palm trees and them dying? I can never get them to live very long. I am sure it is the chickens........

LOL Ralphie. Personally I have more problems with the Pineapple trees that come in with the wind. They don't root very deep, as you know, and then when the chickens start to scratch at their base they tend to lose their foundation and bam! Down they go. But they do not hollow out for the hens to lay eggs in either. Always half dozen of one or six of another when living in the banana belt.
Perhaps's the competition with the Banana trees that is the real culprit. Jack Frost should have no affect there. jealous you are growing pineapples! Perhaps I need to move down to the banana belt!
Perhaps's the competition with the Banana trees that is the real culprit. Jack Frost should have no affect there. jealous you are growing pineapples! Perhaps I need to move down to the banana belt!

Becareful what you wish for. In the wind the other day I had 4 windows knocked out when Ivie's pineapples blew this direction. I am seeing a lawyer about suing her now.
Good morning

Thank you for the coop compliments. Our plan was to try and build something which blended into the tropical feel of the garden and I think we did a pretty good job.

Bogtown Chick when I purchased Ming the Mandarin as a tribute to a lost, loved feathery, I actually wanted an apple tree but I learnt that they require a frost to fruit and that is definitely not going to happen here

I am dreading summer .. the humidity is a bummer and can knock the girls around.

The plan for today is to get some cherry tomato plants in for the many salads we will be having and to dust off the food dehydrator and get started on the chili’s which are to become chili powder.
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