Large Fowl Cochin Thread

No, not looking for show quality.  I just love the look of the breed and would love to have a good looking, healthy rooster and 4 - 6 hens.  

If you aren't looking for SQ I would recommend ordering from a hatchery. The breeder I buy from charges $75 a bird.
I got 4 hens from Meyers hatchery (white) and they were absolutely a joy watching them grow. I have but one left now and have a few crossbreeds from them that look amazing. I think the partridge is a beautiful coloring. Check out breed photos.
I'm not expecting too much with hatchery cochins. I had ordered some feather footed bantams last season and some were bantam cochins. They were not too bad for the most part. Unfortunately my favorite one (partridge) turned into a rooster :(

My husband told me if I thinned out my flock of chickens I could have some cochins. So I did. Then he changed his mind URGHH. By the time I convinced him to honor what he said the season was over. So before season this year I thinned out the flock again, informed him I WAS getting lf cochins and nothing he could do about it.

Depending on how bad the hatchery chicks look, I might be asking if anyone is selling eggs.
I'm not expecting too much with hatchery cochins.  I had ordered some feather footed bantams last season and some were bantam cochins.  They were not too bad for the most part.  Unfortunately my favorite one (partridge) turned into a rooster :( 

My husband told me if I thinned out my flock of chickens I could have some cochins.  So I did.  Then he changed his mind URGHH.  By the time I convinced him to honor what he said the season was over.  So before season this year I thinned out the flock again, informed him I WAS getting lf cochins and nothing he could do about it.

Depending on how bad the hatchery chicks look, I might be asking if anyone is selling eggs.

Rarely will breeders sell eggs... hatchery cochins aren't to bad. Here is my bantam frizzle Cock
  What got you excited about owning cochins? What are your plans besides owning them? Uses or pets?

I wouldn't say I was excited really. I saw them at a sale and decided I'm going to buy these two and show and breed SOP cochins.

I want to work to being one of the best LF Blue Cochin breeders in the US. Win some BVs and BBs at some shows.

Breeding and showing. I dont really own any pet chickens anywats
Well then, if you want the best, you need to start with the best to save time and effort. Go to a few shows and find a good breeder that has some decent stock to start with. Good luck and have fun.
​Well then, if you want the best, you need to start with the best to save time and effort. Go to a few shows and find a good breeder that has some decent stock to start with. Good luck and have fun.

Thanks! I bought birds from a breeder last year plus the first 2 I had bought who ended up also being from a breeder. I just have to wait til the Snow melts to start doing stuff

This pullet finally laid her first egg! And if my day couldn't get any better I saw the Cock breed her! I still have to crack this one and check fertility

It is to late to hatch eggs for this year's show season but I would like some from these 2 for next years season that are over a year.

Here's the Cock

And here's the egg.

And this girl thinks that shes Broidy

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