Large Fowl Salmon Faverolle


Professional Egg Stacker
9 Years
Dec 31, 2010
Lake Wales, FL
This auction is for 12+++ eggs, from Our LF Salmon Faverolle pen. This auction is for 12 eggs, but we will be sure to send extras, to offset any shipping problems.

This group is young, and started laying a couple months ago. We have tested fertility here, with OUTSTANDING results!!
We have 3 roos, over 8 hens. Our Salmons, are some of our most personable chickens. (Don't tell the Cochins and Silkies, I said that)
They are always underfoot...talking, and waiting for treats/petting. Most of the hens, will see me coming, and squat down, to be pet.
They are NOT flighty, and as dog gentle, as our Cochins.
Funny little chickens.

ALL of Our Salmons, have proper toes and beards. While this is our starter flock, of Salmons...we will say, some of the hens do have smudging in their beards....and need a little work on color. BUT, they are great quality, for someone just wanting to add this great breed, to their flock.

This week, my bators are full, from Our other breeds...and, from eggs I have purchased, on here.
So, I wanted to offer some of these great eggs... to others here on BYC, that will enjoy adding these beautiful birds, to your flock.

We always guarantee Our eggs, to be fresh & fertile. We also take extreme care, when packing your eggs. We want them to arrive to you, safely! We use bubble wrap...but are very open to honoring your choice, as to how you would like them packed, instead of using our bubble wrap method. Just e-mail me, telling me how you would prefer to have them packed.

We can not guarantee your hatching rate, due to situations beyond our control.....PO handling, incubators, temps etc.
We can not be responsible for poor hatch rates, due to incubator issues. We have had a 98% hatch rate, from these same eggs, here in our bators.
We also, can not guarantee, how USPS will handle your eggs.

Now, after all of that disclaimer stuff....we want to let you know...our main goal, is to make you happy, with ANY hatching eggs, you purchase from us.
With that being said...we WILL replace ANY eggs, that show up clear, after 10 days in the bator. You must give them a 10 day chance!
This guarantee, is only for fertility clear eggs...NOT for eggs, with broken air sacks, or minimal development, due to shipping issues.

We will also offer a replacement, of ANY eggs, OVER the extra amount we sent, that were broken during shipment.
So, if you bid on a 12+ egg auction by us....we sent 15, and 3 are replacements. BUT, if 6 of the 15 are broken...we will be more than happy, to send out replacement eggs. We will even half the shipping costs, of the replacement eggs, with you.

Here are pics of Our roos....



Pics of Our hens...





And group photos....







Pics of chicks, hatched from this group....
They have VERY nice puffy cheeks!!




I tried to cover everything...BUT, if you have any more questions, or would like to see anymore pics...PLEASE feel free to e-mail, or PM me.

Thanks, and Happy Bidding!!
Very cute! How do these eggs look compared to silkie eggs? Easy to distinguish?
I'd like a few mixed into my silkies for eggs but I gotta be able to tell which is which! I was hoping to be able to tell by size maybe?
Hello Colie <3

I went into the kitchen...and took a pic for you. Now in these pics, I took 8 Salmon eggs, and 4 of our silkie eggs for comparison.

Salmon eggs, are the 8 center/right. Silkie eggs...are on the far left. The Salmon eggs, are a cream/light brown color. Larger than the Silkies.

You should have no problem, telling them apart.

Let me know, if you have any more questions!


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