Large mass above tail

Cuatro Pollitos

6 Years
May 1, 2017
Warning: gross picture. My Brahma hen (1 1/2 years old) was going through a molt, so looking pretty ragged. No bald spots, but lots of missing feathers and pinfeathers. So I kind of left her alone. About three weeks ago, I picked her up and noticed she smelled bad. So I flipped her over and there was a big mat of grossness around her vent, so I cut it all off. She's been acting fine.

Today I noticed she was missing tail feathers and the puff of feathers above her tail looked odd (Brahmas have a lot of fluff there). So I picked her up and she smelled really bad. I felt a mass almost the size of a tennis ball there, above her tail. Infected preening gland? I brought her in and washed her thoroughly with Dawn, pulled off a large scab and poured Hydrogen Peroxide all over it. It looks horrible and infected. She's in the house in a cage now. Of course it's Saturday night, so no vets are open tomorrow.

Anybody ever seen anything like this before? Any suggestions before tomorrow?
chicken sore.jpg
Looks like possible maggots in the wound. Sounds like it, too.
Do you have mineral oil? Get a pipette or eyedropper or syringe and squirt mineral oil in the wound to flush out any maggots if there are any. Pick them up with twerzers.
Apply triple antibiotic oitment and do not bandage. Maggots don't like being exposed to air.
Warning: gross picture. My Brahma hen (1 1/2 years old) was going through a molt, so looking pretty ragged. No bald spots, but lots of missing feathers and pinfeathers. So I kind of left her alone. About three weeks ago, I picked her up and noticed she smelled bad. So I flipped her over and there was a big mat of grossness around her vent, so I cut it all off. She's been acting fine.

Today I noticed she was missing tail feathers and the puff of feathers above her tail looked odd (Brahmas have a lot of fluff there). So I picked her up and she smelled really bad. I felt a mass almost the size of a tennis ball there, above her tail. Infected preening gland? I brought her in and washed her thoroughly with Dawn, pulled off a large scab and poured Hydrogen Peroxide all over it. It looks horrible and infected. She's in the house in a cage now. Of course it's Saturday night, so no vets are open tomorrow.

Anybody ever seen anything like this before? Any suggestions before tomorrow? View attachment 1617174
If you have vet care, that is always best.
Can you post some more photos?
Especially one of where it's located on the body?
I am assuming the white foamy stuff is from Peroxide?
Do you see maggots moving around in the wound?
Do you have any antibiotics on hand?

If there are maggots, then flush the wound very well with soap/water, salt water, betadine or chlorhexidine. I would not use any more Peroxide since it can damage tissue with repeated use.

How deep does that wound go?

Get her to a vet as soon as you can. Call around and see if there's anyone open on weekends.
Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide again, it kills healthy cells. Use an actual antibiotic. Don't pull off any scabs, those are there for a reason. Keep an eye on her, make sure she isn't picking at it. Keep her somewhere quiet until you can get her to a vet, reduce her stress as much as possible.
Yes, I think the white spots are just hydrogen peroxide foaming. I don't see maggot activity. I will apply antibiotic ointment.
You might want to flush it out before applying anything. But not with anymore peroxide. You might want to try diluted betadine 50/50 with water. The surrounding tissue looks like the feathers will simply pull out with slightly pulling. Clean an area around the wound. Flush it out and perhaps take more photos. Best wishes
Is that pic under the tail or on top?
More pics, top and bottom, farther back with more light might help.

About three weeks ago, I picked her up and noticed she smelled bad. So I flipped her over and there was a big mat of grossness around her vent, so I cut it all off.
Pic was taken 3 weeks ago or now?

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