Large Old-Fashioned coops?


11 Years
Jan 30, 2008
Middletown, NJ
Does anyone know where I can get some plans for those large, shed-roof style coops they used to have on poultry farms? All I can find are either small coops for backyard chickens, or monstrous barns. You know the ones I mean - 50-75 feet long, with about 10-foot pens inside that each lead out to their own run. They seem ideal for breeding pens for different breeds. (If they are not, someone tell me!) Thanks!
Strange, I've been designing one that sounds like your description. And someone on BYC has a coop similar to this, where each section has its own automatic waterer; there are doors into the run and into the coop that can be accessed via the hallway down the middle. Lots of nice ideas to steal! I'll see if I can find that post and bring a link here.
Are you meaning something like this?

Thats it! Exactly what I had in mind! Those are great! I looked through the coop pages several times, but I never saw this one. Thank you so much!

Thanks to everyone for their posts - if you know of any more links, I'd love to see them. Thanks Chicken Lady, I loved the picture! That kind of coop is what I meant.

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