Lavender Ameraucana: Older pullet not laying yet (long post)

Blue Eggerz

Sep 4, 2019
West Coast, Washington State
I have a 46 week old pullet (10-1/2 months old) who hasn't laid an egg yet. Her sister (same parents, same hatch) began laying at 21 weeks (about 5 months). They are Lavender Ameraucana's. I've checked for bugs (none), there are no physical issues (not showing any signs of sickness/illness), eyes, comb, and nostrils are all clear; they're not molting, coop is clean, water is changed daily (waterer cleaned/scrubbed 2x weekly), she eats the same things and has the same exposures as the rest of the flock (a small flock of 11). They have a 10x12 coop and plenty of roosting space, a 20x50 enclosed run (no predators), and they have a choice of 6 large, clean nesting boxes. Coop is clean, pine shavings for nest bedding and 4" on coop floor (cement floor underneath).

There are no injuries, not egg bound, not being picked on (actually, she sometimes believes she is the head gal, LOL!), and she does occasionally "walk the runway" (the 2x2 rail in front of the boxes) but doesn't/hasn't gone in any of the boxes. I have inside and outside cameras so I can watch them - there has been no exhibitions of anything out of the ordinary; I've checked the run for eggs, too, but haven't found any. I've not added anyone new to the flock (she and her sister were the last ones added, and that was in July). Everyone gets some apple cider vinegar about once a month, and some probiotic vitamins about every 2 months. They get fed flock-raiser pellets (not layer, I have 2 roosters so I prefer not to feed layer mix), a wide variety of different treats daily (varies, about 2 cups of mealworms, 1 cup scratch mix [5% cracked corn, 5% black oil sunflower seed, 5% shelled sunflowers, 30% oats, 30% barley, 25% Peas, Safflower and Milo mix], non-salted pecans/walnuts, scrambled eggs, brown rice, spaghetti noodles, oatmeal, grits, lettuce, spinach, cheese curds, celery, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, grapes, bananas, apple bits (no seeds or cores), and such like that. They have calcium (the pebbly stuff as well as toasted egg shells) and grit free-choice daily. I do my best to see that they are fed non-GMO and organic.

The whole flock is healthy and well-mannered (no fighting); I've checked them all physically and they appear in good condition (not fat, not skinny), they all have nice, fluffy butts. They all get along well, they get lots of exercise (they don't seem to be bored), and I would say if chickens could be 'happy', mine seem to be. I don't know what else to do that I haven't already tried. I paid a lot of money for these two Lavender girls as they were going to be my choice breed, so am quite concerned that she hasn't laid yet. :-(

Can pullets be barren (no eggs)? Any suggestions or ideas as to what else I can try to help my gal to start laying? Any help would be most welcome.
Yes, a hen can be barren, but I've not heard personally of anyone with a barren chicken. I have a Speckled Sussex named Sadie Thompson who laid a couple of eggs and then quit. She is two years old now, doesn't lay at all. I don't care, her personality is great, she acts like a puppy and follows me around. I have to be careful coming out the gate as she tries to sneak through with me! I have 38 hens, a egg sales business and she does not contribute. You may be concerned as it seems you wanted them for breeding. You never know with chickens, don't give up, she may start to lay yet! :hugs
I've had two different hens over the years who never laid. One was a white Leghorn, the other was a red sex link. Both were healthy birds, but the sex link died at two years old. :hmm
Great post with all the info!

flock-raiser pellets
Is this Purina brand 20% protein Flock Raiser?
Man, that's a lot of other stuff you're feeding,
but if the other birds are all laying, then it's not likely a diet issue.

Yes, some birds can be 'barren'.
They only have one ovary and if it's non functional, no eggs.

Have you checked for these signs:

I paid a lot of money for these two Lavender girls as they were going to be my choice breed, so am quite concerned that she hasn't laid yet.
Did you get these birds as chicks?
Did they give you any guarantee?
If she's not laying by 12 months, I'd contact them and see if they will do anything.
Hi aart, and thanks for the info. Yes, the Flock Raiser is Purina. And yes, the birds do get a very wide variety of stuff - not a lot at a time, but a variety. Might too much of a variety be a problem?

I checked the link for "Who's laying...", and I definitely know she is NOT laying; I have cameras in and outside the coop and run (I just LOVE "chicken TV", LOL!), and specifically pointing at the nestboxes (I have 6), and although she's got up on the runway a few times, she's shown no interest in going into the boxes. I've watched them outside in the run, and have walked the run and looked really closely (as they can hide them pretty well!), but nothing. I was thinking maybe she's laying outside and eating them, but then I thought no, because as closely as I watch them, I'm pretty sure I'd catch that... so discounted that as the problem.

I bought them as pullets, and the person gave no guarantee. I highly doubt she'd take her back, but could try it and see. I'd like to remain friendly as I'm hoping to purchase more from her, so hope she would be professional about it. (Though you never know about some people)

Thank you!

Great post with all the info!

Is this Purina brand 20% protein Flock Raiser?
Man, that's a lot of other stuff you're feeding,
but if the other birds are all laying, then it's not likely a diet issue.

Yes, some birds can be 'barren'.
They only have one ovary and if it's non functional, no eggs.

Have you checked for these signs:

Did you get these birds as chicks?
Did they give you any guarantee?
If she's not laying by 12 months, I'd contact them and see if they will do anything.
Might too much of a variety be a problem?
As I noted, probably not if the other birds are laying fine.
But lots of other foods/treats can dilute the nutrition in the chicken ration.

I bought them as pullets, and the person gave no guarantee. I highly doubt she'd take her back, but could try it and see. I'd like to remain friendly as I'm hoping to purchase more from her, so hope she would be professional about it. (Though you never know about some people)
I'd not ask for anything, just tell her that this bird is not laying and if she's ever had that happen before. See what she says.

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