Lavender Orpington Thread

Out of 5 Lavender Orps I got from Chicken Scratch poultry, I had two for-sure Roos and 2 for-sure pullets at almost 9-weeks-old (one of the chicks, I'm still on the fence about...hoping for a pullet!).
I actually just sold one of the boys at a Poultry Swap last weekend--I sold the one that didn't look as big/fluffy and had quite a bit of black in his comb. I didn't check the breed standard (is there even one? Since it's not a recognized color yet?) but I assumed that the red comb was preferable? Maybe I just made that up, but I needed a reason to sell one and keep one!

I HATE selling/giving away my chickens! So sad :(
(I REALLY hate getting straight-run...but all of the breeders only sell this way! Boo hoo. Though I do get the fact that it's more humane in the long run...)
the frizzle is not an orpington, just the best friend of the orpington. I thought they were so cute together, and they are connected at the hip.
the frizzle is not an orpington, just the best friend of the orpington. I thought they were so cute together, and they are connected at the hip.

Do the frizzle birds require extra care for their feathers like bathing or keeping them dry or extra warmth in winter? I've never seen one in person.
They say it is harder to keep frizzles warm. But I won't say more here. I just put the pic up because of my lavender orpington. There are frizzle sites you can check out.
Last year I did not use supplemental light b/c my pullets were too young to lay. They started in Jan/Feb. Now they're molting & my new pullets should be starting to lay any day. I was wondering do the "winter hardy" breeds (specifically young Orpingtons) lay without supplemental lighting? If my Easter Egger hens & Legbars fail to produce during winter, I'd like to have at least a few eggs per week.

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