Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

You could soak his stump in warm water with betadine in it. Epsom salt would probably hurt like heck right now. May be a good idea when he's a little further down the road to healed though.
Regular table salt works fine. Thats what I use. (old story) My mother was a diabetic and he had burned both her feet with scalding beans she spilled straight out of the crock pot. Anyway she had gotten gangrene in the tops of both feet. This small town doc would pick her up and set her on his counter and put her feet in the sink and scrup the dead flesh and as much of the green he could off. She was on strong antibiotics and was instsructed to soak her feet is strong salt water 2 times a day. He saved her feet with monor scarring.

So I swear by salt water. It pulls out he infection. You could set him in a bucked of salt water and put a towel over him and the bucket for aobut 20 minutes at a time. Then clean him all up. I"m sure the scribbing will hurt but it's better than dying or having to be put down. And he would hopefully still have his leg.
soaking in Epsom salts actually does not sting at all. Salt water is GOOD for what ails ya. Going to the ocean for salt air used to be the best treatment for respiratory problems. Our body is made up of salt water and salt water does not hurt. You can try it and see what he does but I'll bet you get no reaction at all.


P.S. I've soaked open wounds in epsom salts before (my own) so I know they do not hurt. However, I do nto know if Epsom salts are okay for chickens so someone needs to confirm that.
The sugardine really needs to be on and covered 24/7. Can you mist a little Deepwoods Off onto the outside of the bandage? If you cover the area then I don't think ants will be a problem. he'd pick them off if they were.
If bugs where to get to it at night he wouldn't do anything. They would just eat at it. I bring all of mine in and keep them in a small cage indoors till fit to go out. And Epsom Salt is fine for birds.
Oh. I hate fire ants! Won't they sting anyway? Nasty things! The sugardine REALLY needs to be on the wound all the time though
Salt water doesn't hurt...think how good it makes ur throat feels when u have a sore throat. Anemia is from all the blood he lost. You are helping to replace the blood by all the increased protein you are giving him. By Sunday you should be able to back off all the bandage changing. It sounds and looks like it's healing really well. I agree, the green is probably bruising. I'm surprised there's not more. As long as there's no odor, there's no infection. You are the greatest, keep up the good work.
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OMG you go girl! I can't believe you are doing all this for your neighbor's roo! You have truely gone beyond any reasonable expectations anyone could have ever had considering the amout of time and effort alone, not to mention the real monetary costs incurred.

Does BYC have an recognition award of some type for people who extend themselves so much for our birds? If so, you are at the top of the list in my book!

Keep up the good work, it appears to be doing him well, and of course everyone knows guys want to look good for the ladies so his visitors are indeed a motivational tactic since he doesn't want to appear gimpy.

All the best to you and yours!

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