Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

I can't work either and actually prefer to be around animals than people anyday. I avoid any andall get togethers that I can. I'll wander off and go home at the first opportunity if I go at all.
Thanks all, I really appreciate any and all advice as I go through this.

It has been an extremely busy, hot day. There is another storm brewing.

This morning I unwrapped Kubota and after hydrotherapy soaked his stump in epsom salt water - he fell asleep. I always feel like a heel taking him out, but I had to shower and get ready for church. I just left him unwrapped while I was gone.
When I got home and changed, I went out and fixed him a lukewarm bath and set him in it while I worked on his sling. I had to fix a bar to prop his head because he kept dozing off. The sling was not what I planned, but I am no engineer so it worked. After his bath I wrapped him in a towel and held him a while, then set him in partial sun for a while and watched him preen. Sick as he is, he is still a magnificent bird. Once his back feathers were starting to dry pretty well, I set him in his sling for his underside to get fresh air and dry some.

While he was in his sling I heard frantic "peeping" and saw 3 of Mr. B's banty chicks fly / climb over the fence into my yard. I don't know what was after them on their side of the fence, but 2 large dogs spotted them on my side. I moved Kubota into the shade and then went banty hunting with my Lab. One flew back over, I caught one and the other disappeared into some brush along the fence and went quiet. I searched for him for a while, but then had to get back to Kubota. I hope the little one got back through / over the fence

Kubota was insanely uncooperative for the bandaging. I am wondering if at this point wrapping once a day for a few hours with either antibiotics or sugardine, then cleaning and leaving unwrapped the rest of the time would work?
I gave him fresh water, put some vitamin / electrolyte powder in it and fixed him a plate (his new fave: sardines). I am really concerned about the amount of grit he is / is not taking in. He won't eat specifically chicken grit... so I have dirt mixed in with some of his food. Will that be enough?
dirt is not grit. If you have some sand or very small gravel use that instead. Good luck! You sound like a awesome person and i admire you for all your efforts!
If his poop is fine he is doing just fine in the grit or lack of grit situation, besides sardines have bone in them and it frequently isn't completely mush. Just go easy on the bone as it is a calcium source and your new friend is a Roo and doesn't need anywhere near as much calcium as a Hen.
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I really dont care what Dr Brigid McCrae (sp) says. Plain yogurt is a probiotic good for people and chickens and I can attest to the fact that it rebuilds the chickens immune system. It is certainly not excreted,it is absorbed easily. There are many BYC'ers here that can verify yogurts effectiveness with chickens.
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My neighbors chicken mower story wasn't as positive. He'd mowed for a while then went in for lunch. When he came back out he started it up and immediately engaged the blades. Eeeeewwwwww...................................his wife's favorite hen got mulched and sprayed across the yard. He had a heck of a mess to clean up and then explain to his missus when she got home.

I always start the motor then roll at leas t a yard or two forward with the deck raised before starting the blades.
Sounds like great advice to make sure no ones resting under the mower before starting the blades!
If I was her I would of smacked him then cried for the next hour calling the hen's name!

Becky in Ohio

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