layers sleeping in laying boxes

Ya know, I went and looked at that last night, and he was as clean as a whistle. I have no idea how he manages. I thought about taking a photo--all 5 girls lined up on the roost, and there he is laying underneath. It's just weird. I'd understand it maybe if he didn't have a place to roost, but there's another bar below.

My JGiant hen also sleeps on the floor, I think she is too big to get on the roost and I've read somewhere that they can't fly.

That person must've had either really fat hens or was in denial. My JG hens fly with the best of them! Ever got whomped by one of their wings??​
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Mine never slept in the boxes.But for some reason, the group dynamic has changed. My #2 hen died and now Nessarose, alpha hen, has decided to sleep in a nesting box that is never used. Little Red, my cochin hen, is laying her eggs on the floor, and the others have changed their nesting box to the one directly above the one they have all used.

Don't you wish you could understand what they talk about?
I had one hen that was doing that so I picked her up every night and put her on the roost, she stopped after a week.
i got 6 hens that try to cram into 4 nest boxes. every night i run them out this has been going on about 3 weeks now,.only thing i can figure is the person who raised them may not of had a roosting pole.crazy chickens lol i got 5 week old leg horns i raised my self they sleep on a roost already.
Blocking The boxes for a night or two would be a shot, I have also heard and seen were if your nesting boxes are low to the ground than your hens are more likely to make that their new bed.
I have 25 hens and i put my nest boxes up on another level of the coop (being that i have levels in my coop) and for some reason they dont sleep in them (so far)

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