Laying box ventilation.

Tn treeguy

10 Years
Jul 1, 2012
I am an absolute beginner. My grandmother had chickens when I was a small boy, and I've always wanted to have a few hens. I have been reading as much as I can on this website and believe it to be a valuable resource. After browsing through coop designs, I settled on the Maxwell house coop.They used 1/2 in hardware cloth on the laying box doors for ventilation, and I like the idea, however, I'm in an area where varmints are going to be a constant battle. Is this a security breech? Most coop designs dont ventilate on the laying boxes.Do they want it to be dark?
Sorry for the rookie questions, probably more to come.
Thanks in advance.
I'm somewhat new also, but I've learned a few things. I don't believe that the laying boxes need venting as long as the hen house is well vented. I do believe that they do a shaded area and privicy. I saw something on this site that I copied, curtains. I put loose fitting curtains on the box that only go half way down, and are split on each side of the indevidual boxes.
Half inch hardware cloth is pretty good protection against predators. I don't have vents in my nesting boxes, but have been propping them open during the heat of the day to allow 1 inch or so of opening for ventilation. I don't know if it matters or not, but it makes me feel better.


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