

I also just saw that you are in central Virginia. Hi, Neighbor! I am South of Fredericksburg and North of Charlottesville - sort of inbetween.
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Hey Neighbor...

I'm NE of Lynchburg on the outside of Amherst. How do you like the storm we are getting? My poor chickens and turkeys are going crazy. My turkeys free range and sleep on the top of the chicken coop, needless to say, no cover. What is one to do LOL
I do hope they will be okay... figure they would take cover if it got to bad. Oh well.

Take care
Hi I have 25 chicks 12 buff orps and 13 rsl they are all 17 weeks on Monday as of today no eggs but the 13 rsl combs are getting red so i should see eggs from them soon the buff orps are showing no signs of red combs yet i'll let you know when the first egg arrives
oh and i just put them on layer feed yesterday i hope i'm doing this right this is my first batch ever of chickens
I have 10 ambers, 9 barred of unknown type ( maybe cali greys), and three EE hens. All are 19 weeks. No eggs as of yet.
Well, I say none, but at about 15 weeks, in the driveway I found one little white egg. It was about 1.5" long x .75" diameter. It's yolk was mayby 3/8" diameter. I assume it was a chicken egg, cause it was pure white, and I don't know of any wild birds that lay white pionty eggs.
Plus it was in the drive way, which would be an odd place for a wild bird egg. There are no trees it could have fallen from, and it was intact. Also, little while before seeing it I had seen the chickens congregating there. But I have not found another one since, and I have been looking.
Do chickens start with little bitty eggs? These are my first batch, I assumed chickens would not lay until they were capable of laying a full size egg.
Do chickens start with little bitty eggs? These are my first batch, I assumed chickens would not lay until they were capable of laying a full size egg.

In response to your question- I have received three eggs from my hens so far and all of them have been smaller than your average got-it-at-the-grocery-store egg. My chickens are free range (during the day) and come into their coop at night- we have brown eggs.

If that helps answer your question ^^^
Ms Prissy... I would love to send some rain to you!!! I know we have all needed it really badly!!! Usually it just passes over the top of us... We have been lucky so far and recieved some pretty decent amounts. Good luck!!

Shirl... this is my first batch also of my own. I took care of my mothers when they would go on vacation but other than that, no experiance, and my mother is of no use at this time, and the true chicken master - my 7 year old daughter - is on vacation. UGGG. LOL. She does check in every nite or so and asks if we have gotten any eggs yet LOL.

Texan.... Driveway??? ut oh... good thing we have brown eggs. LOL... my driveway is gravel and I know I would see a white egg at all LOL.

As for laying feed... I have no clue!!!!!!!! I have just been following the guide on the back of the bag of feed. It says to start them on laying feed at 18 weeks. I can however tell you that I do feed mine egg shells everytime we have eggs. I have read that it is good for them as it is excelent for stronger shells.

Chickgirl.... as for the starter eggs, from my understanding they do start out small until they figure out what they are doing and takes a few weeks. IF I am wrong on this, someone please advise me, so that I learn too.

Take care,

Shirl, I am in the same boat, I have to go out and buy feed again today... these guys go threw about 100 pounds of feed a week, plus free range. At this point though, you should be feeding grower/finisher 15% at least that is what the bag says. Personally I would say just go ahead and start with the layer feed, you're not that far off. And it might even help. Just my opinion. Good luck! Hang in there... LOL... we will get our rewards soon!

Ms. Prissy, that idea of yours about bringing the egg cartons for a free dozen has really helped!!! Thanks for the idea. I selected a couple of close friends and told them... they are in proses of searching for egg cartons now LOL. awesom idea!!!!!!!!!!!


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