Lazy Leg

Classic symptom of Marek's Disease (first one leg is useless--no pain) Then, usually wing on same side droops, then other leg goes and bird can only shuffle around--will eat and drink, if if can readh food and water--again, no pain. Death most often occurs, sudden death or after a week or so unable to walk. HOWEVER, this being said, hope it is NOT Marek's! Cockerels most often show first symptoms at about 2 months, pullets, usually, at about 4-5 months or when just ready to lay or after first egg or 2.. However, it can occur at any age (but not as baby chicks or not under 2-3 months).

Few recover, and recovered pullets may lay normallly--it is a long lived virus but is not carried in the eggs----but if they do recover, they are carriers of Marek's for life, and all your birds are or will be exposed. Not all display symptoms, and some may be immune. It is worldwide--dreadful for loss of birds--and I hope you do not have a bird with Marek's. I did not know what it was when my first bird died of it (sent to me as an "immune" hen and went through the symptoms before dying and fortunately not a virulent case, as I had no more birds come down with it for another year)--but then lost about 6 young birds. Now, I vaccinate every chick at hatch--and for 14 years, have had no more Marek's. I NEVER purchase birds from individuals OR hatcheries that are not vaccinated at hatch! Yet, happily, some poultry people never see it at all! And that is GREAT management of poultry!!

Good luck
OH NO!!!! He showed the wing drop signs and everything..... I'm removing him immediantly. How easy is it to transfer is their still a chance for the others. there are 2 others at 2 months both hens I think and 2 i week old babies. Can the disease transfer to other poultry?
Wing drop(they are trying to balance themselves) is common with most leg injuries,so not always an indication of possible Marek's.

Have you tried repositioning leg into correct position? If it were to be a tendon issues,you have to press down in order to feel it.
Ok, just checked and it was just the way he was standing and his leg is till tiilted. His poo is also black. He also showed signs of pain when I touched his hip.

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