Learning all I can about call ducks !

Ok question I have been giving my duckies scrambled eggs like once every other day or 2 days but the last 2 days they haven't really eaten their duck food the crumble they eat it but they don't devour it like when I give them eggs . Would be ok for me to like blend up the feed with the eggs so they'll eat the duck food ? I feel like I spoiled them with the eggs and peaches .
Ok question I have been giving my duckies scrambled eggs like once every other day or 2 days but the last 2 days they haven't really eaten their duck food the crumble they eat it but they don't devour it like when I give them eggs . Would be ok for me to like blend up the feed with the eggs so they'll eat the duck food ? I feel like I spoiled them with the eggs and peaches .
I really have no idea on that one. I never gave mine anything but crumble or a bit of greens until they were about six or seven weeks old. I did let them start eating the worms and bugs while they forage d but Even now I don't do a lot of treats. A few peas here and there or chopped apple. I've been too worried they would as you said get spoiled and demand treats all the time.
They forage when they're outside a lot eating the bugs and grass and I make sure I put the crumble out there and sometimes it's eaten from sometimes not. I don't know if feeding them peaches and eggs all the time would harm them oh and they like Cheerios too . I give them the nutrients and electrytes in their water but I'm concerned at how much they're supposed to be eating throughout the day. I wish I wouldn't have gave them treats as much as I did because I'm not sure if it's ok if it's all they eat . I don't think spoiled is the right word as I said before because it's my fault. They seem to be ok nothing wrong but if anyone has any input on what to do I'd appreciate it.

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