

Dec 5, 2021
I have pekin white ducks and they have been eating leaves i assume it is safe for them to eat but when i google some sites say not to have oak. I was wondering if anyone knew why or what other trees i believe the one by their pen is maple. all the leaves are dried by now.
Maple is safe. I have oaks in my yard and have seen no problems. My ducks are always nipping the leaves from my bonsai maples; chickens and peafowl too.
Are they actually eating the leaves or just rooting around through them?
I have dumped a lot of leaves in my run, and have used oak leaves as well, but my ducks don't eat them, they just root through the pile looking for little tidbits like bugs and seeds.
They have been eating them since its winter they like to forage but there isnt any grass. Ive been putting some leaves in a water bucket so they can play a little. Most of the time they just run through them but they have been eating them mainly the really dead ones.
That's interesting! Are you giving them regular feed since there's no grass?
The only leaves I had heard that would be problematic are the oak, which you already know.
We'll see if anyone else chimes in. 😊
I actually use live oak leaves as bedding in my coop without issue. My ducks certainly forage in the leaves in my yard but it is mainly my ornamental plants and weeds that they eat.

You might offer you ducks chipped kale as that m ight satisfy their urge to eat greens
yeah we have a lot of snow but under the rabbit coop are some leaves that they forage which i think are maple, they are not enjoying the cold weather but hopefully it melts soon thank for everyones help i appreciate it

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