Leg problems? Chick doesn't like to stand -


10 Years
Jan 10, 2010
West Sound, Washington
HI all -

We hatched out 4 chicks for the first time 7 weeks ago. 1 BCM, 2 Wheaten Ameraucana and an OE. They all seem to be doing well (eating, drinking, running around, avoiding the older chickens, etc..) One of the AMs though, seems to sit whenever she's not moving. She'll hang with her friends, moving from place to place, totally mobile. However as soon as they stop, she sits. I looked at both of the AMs last night looking for injury or differences and could detect nothing wrong. I slowly flexed all of her joints and could detect no specifically painful spots (only judging by her demeanor.) I saw no bumblefoot .

Is this something I should worry about? If I had to guess I would say it's been going on about a week, but I can't say that for certain.
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Forgot to mention that they are free range. 1+ acre of varied terrain they run around.

Could be boredom I support, or just hot. We got up to 80 the last couple of days, which is unseasonably warm for Seattle.
Well I just spent quite a bit of time going over him and can find nothing outwardly wrong. I notice he's a bit bare in some spots, but there are lots of pin feathers coming in. I would be tempted to say he's just uncomfortable but I have 2 others at the same age/feathering and they are not showing this behavior.

Not a lot to see here, but this is essentially what he does unless he's actively trying to get someplace. Otherwise he just plops down and sits... Pecks at the ground near him...

On a semi-unrelated note. This chick is a bit skittish as he was raised by a broody hen and hasn't had as much people time as my other batch of birds.
However, once you get him settled down - he's a sweetheart :)


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