Leghorn babies - Boys or girls? *Pic heavy*


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 7, 2008
Western Washington
I got some CUTE as a bug little yellow balls of fluff from my neighbor 3 weeks ago. They all have at least one black spot on them. Their rooster was a Leghorn, and they have a mix of hens, so these guys are WHO KNOWS WHAT! I am more interested in finding out the gender! Their names are now Larry, Mo, Curly and Bob...(NOT my fault...) I don't know a ton about chickens, but I do know that Larry is a ROOSTER!! I am not as sure about the other three, please let me know what you think...

This is Larry, doesn't he have a nice comb?


Larry and Bob

This is Curly...she would not lift her head up while she was out of the brooder

Little Mo

They are all the same age, and there is a HUGE comb size difference. ACK... Boy or girl they are sure cute!
The #2 roo, #3 in the back roo front is a hen, #4 a hen.

Love your Leghorns. Those were my first chickens, my rooster was a nice one, he didn't crow that much only once in the morning and once at dawn. And was very friendly.
Looks like you are correct about Larry being a roo and all of the others look like pullets to me!
Larry yes....BOY!!! the others pullets.
At three weeks is exactly when I saw the big comb size difference too on mine!!! They are cute....congrats to you!!!!

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