Leghorn Destructivenss


Apr 4, 2020
Central PA
I have no chickens at the moment, but our local farm is selling today. I have a choice between leghorn, RIR and wyandotte.

A few years ago, I had 2 leghorns that tore up every bit of my yard. Is that something leghorns are known for?
I have no chickens at the moment, but our local farm is selling today. I have a choice between leghorn, RIR and wyandotte.

A few years ago, I had 2 leghorns that tore up every bit of my yard. Is that something leghorns are known for?
I have a Silver Leghorn in my mixed flock. She is no more or less destructive than any other member of my flock. How many chickens are you considering and how much space will they have?
Mainly eggs, but I want a friendly chicken, too. I'm thinking of going with barred rocks.
Those might be a good choice if you have them available to you. Leghorns and RIRs aren't known for being friendly, but they aren't necessarily mean (the hens - roosters are another story). I quite like my RIR hen. But my BR is miss big personality and does everything my RIR does in terms of production and hardiness, so maybe the BR is a better option for you.
Mainly eggs, but I want a friendly chicken, too. I'm thinking of going with barred rocks.
I think friendliness comes from a combination of genetics, individual personalities and how they are raised. In general, my friendliest chickens are Easter Eggers, but I also have Domoniques and my Leghorn who love to sit on my lap. The more time you can spend with them as chicks, the friendlier they tend to be.

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