Leghorn hen x Ameraucana roo will straight combed offspring lay colored eggs??

I have 3 EEs two lay blue/green and on e lays pink. All have straight combs. All look mostly like Delawares. The pink layer is the only one with grey legs.
I suspect that many EEs and "Americana" from hatcheres are single comb and laying blue eggs, this is How.

The Oocyan blue egg mutation its linked to the pea comb p allele by bout 2-4 centimorgan, that means that the chance of a cross over recombinant its very low about 2-4% so when you cross a bunch of P/p+ together like in Hatchery breeding pens many of those hens p+ will have at least one copy of Oocyan(O) closely attached to it.
I have one hen that is this exact combo. She lays a very light blueish almost white egg. She is the first chicken I ever had and I hatched her from an egg my neighbor's hen laid in my shed last year. She was the only one that hatched out of 14 eggs. She's a great layer, occasionally lays HUGE eggs even though she is a tiny thing. It is really amazing how many eggs she lays. I always get one a day from her. Americauna rooster and leghorn hen makes a great offspring. Good luck!

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