Leghorn Thread

Hi! I just hatched out my first leghorns. They are bantam dark brown. Can I tell their what sex they are by their coloring? They look like two different chicks one way lighter than the other. I'm really hoping for a pair! Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

I had dark browns hatch this spring...and I was able to Google great pictures of male and female LIGHT brown chicks, as well as Welsummer chicks (similar coloring).

However, I couldn't find any good comparison pictures of the dark brown Leghorns.

Sorry, can't be helpful.

I really wanted brown Bantam leghorns....but I wanted rose comb ones. I am guessing you got single comb ones?
Yes I do believe they are single. I'm really thinking I've got a male and female! I've been googling and it seems females are nearly black? Males are lighter? Or vice versa. One of mine is almost black the other much lighter. I'm just crossing my fingers!
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Take good pictures, and document which ends up being which....

so the next person who tries to figure it out will be able to find good information.

I had enough hatch, and all running around higgledy piggildy, that I have no idea which chicks turned into which adults.
21 weeks old
What a pretty girl! :love
Thank you,just recently her comb and wattles grew like crazy so it's only a matter of time before she starts laying I'm very excited!!!

Yes, I agree! She should lay her first egg any day now! The lovely thing, is that once she gets going, she will out lay any other breed you have.

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