Leghorns are cuckoo crazy!

I have fifty or so White Leghorns of various ages right now and have never found them to be the problem that some folks do. When I enter their tractor I do so in a calm and measured way. No one goes bananas.

They are a light weight and active breed though so if you do something that makes a fat old Barred Rock or Rhode Island hen jump those agile Leghorn girls will be three feet off the ground going away.

Some folks want their birds to be friendly and pet like and it's possible to train even Leghorns to do that. I just keep them as livestock so don't need them to be personable. But neither do mine go crazy every time I enter their space. I am calm and they are calm.
I have 5 WLHs and yeah, they're pretty sneaky and seem a little neurotic. From everything I've read it's just how they are.

Good luck!
When I enter their tractor I do so in a calm and measured way. No one goes bananas.

I'd like to second this. I approach fairly slowly, call out in a calm, soft voice, and gently shake the pitcher of scratch grains. Sometimes I'll even approach indirectly (like in a circle).

It has helped.

Full disclaimer: these are my first chickens and they are 10 weeks old.
I have one little white leghorn gal myself. She is a tad bit more skittish than my other two, but also very sweet and not at all insane. Ironically, my brahma is kind of an A-hole. And that breed is supposed to be very good as a pet and mellow. Lol, I guess you just never know eh?
We have 1 leghorn, she was super crazy until she started laying and then she chilled out.

My kids used to chase her all over the yard, they could usually catch her with a fishing net. Once she started doing "the squat" they could finally catch her. Silly birds FOR SURE!
My leghorn is so sweet, and well behaved. She does seem to rule the roost with the girls, but she is kind to them. I have no problems at all with her. We adopted 6 two year old hens, and they did pick her a bit when we first put them together. I kind of suspected they would, because my existing girls were younger, and she was the one the "older girls" would have issue with. Once they pecked her once, they have left her alone since, and we have had no issue. I love my leghorn. She loves to be held, and is always at the coop window to greet me.

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