Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons

My girls that have it now are prominent on what looks like the scarf around their neck and the wing feathers (sorry haven't measure body part terminology yet :p). I have a pullet what is completely barred all over and mostly white with the buff striping. It will be interesting to see what she matures to. Hopefully the pullet isn't a late blooming cockerel, but so far I have been pretty good at telling gender.
cuckoos your roosters are beyond gorgeous, what an ensemble
Hi all.
So I'm in NC.
I bought some mail order eggs and a few were Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons.
Only one hatched and of course it's a rooster.
He's still young, but his barring isn't as prevelant as I had thought it would be. (Though in real life it's more dominant that it appears in the top photo, I think the lighting is making the tail look blurred).


Sorry to say his barring is very poor quality. He would not be a good breeder or show bird. We just love our Lemon Cuckoos. This is one of our young started chicks. I don't have a pic of our breeders on my phone.

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