Lest see your best stink eye!!!!

These birds dont' look normal, What are they and where are they from. Mars?

They were the "judges" for the Guinea Fowl picture contest held last summer.

Who knows were a Guinea comes from, here is a poem....

The Sixth Day Bird

The Creator, creating the beasts of the field,
In a moment of whimsy could not help but yield
To an urge, and what could be fitter?

"I'll make Me one final whimsical critter!"
He began with the torso, spheroidal, prolate,
With legs short and stubby and toes six or eight.
The head wears a helmet with a strawberry top
And down-dangling wattles either straight or a lop.
Most birds are melodious, with a tune for each
He endowed this one with a god-awful screech.
They seldom walk--'tis a run or a trot,
Snatching bugs left and right, one for each polka-dot.
Their mentality make(sic) them insatiably curious.
They greet things strange with clamor furious
He made 'em gregarious to run in a flock
Then, wearily spent, He looked at his clock.
The Sixth Day ebbed into night when He
Grinned as He rested and called it a GUINEA!

Chet Lowe '02
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Eeeeww! Eeeeeeww!! Just....EEEEEWWW!! Icky Poo!! Icky Pooo!!!! Make it stop! Make it stop!!!
That has to be just about one of the most hideous things I've ever seen! My money goes on a botched taxidermy job!!

Guinea Goonie, you have to give the full story on this pic now...you do know that, right? Please tell me those are NOT real LIVE birds! And if they are real and alive, roaming around in somebodies back yard...I really don't wanna know! It would give me nightmares for sure!

I think they are perfectly gorgeous birds !!

Yep, there is NOTHING like a Guinea hen.

I LUV my Guinea Fowl birds, they are just a riot.

UGLY yes, wacky yes, but they simply love being what they are.

Here is another pic...


a Numida Meleagris Sabyi

One of my favs.
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LMAO Serrin *pats her shoulder* there there there you do not have to own any...I promise.

Guinea Goonie isn't that your chicken guinea cross? I think that is the neatest looking thing in the world. Odd but neat!
I think maybe what I need to see is a pic of the entire bird! Not just the face. Imagine the impression we would have of one another if all we ever saw was an extreme close up of just a nostril for example!
Not the best first impression one would want to make, now is it?

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