Lethargic 8yo hen.


Premium Feather Member
Dec 19, 2021
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop

I have an 8yo hen who doesn't seem to be doing well at all, she's lethargic and doesn't seem to have an appetite. She's also very underweight, you can see just how under weight she is in the second picture below. She exhibited this behavior probably no more than 2 weeks ago, started with her just being weak and not being able to hop onto the perch or into the coop.
She has been being quite bullied recently, I'd guess because her flock mates know she's weak and not doing too well. So I've separated her in our prefab coop, comes in handy for isolation.
Worth mentioning about mid-March I thought I found lash material stuck to her bottom feathers, so I treated her with amoxicillin for 2 weeks, just to be on the safe side.
No sign of mites or lice, so that's not an issue. She also does not lay eggs. I'll have to check her crop tomorrow morning and see if it's completely emptied.
I was thinking, could she have cancer? I feel like the symptoms fit, and she is an old hen.
I'm not too sure what to do, cause in one week from now we'll be away for ten days. 😭

Edited to add: I think I found tumors on her. 😞



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Can you post pictures of the possible tumors?

How much has she been eating? If she's under weight, maybe try giving her more fatty food.

What does her poop look like?

I'm dreadfully sorry to hear about this poor girl. Let's try to get her fixed up!
Poor girl. She does look really bad. I am by far not an expert on this topic , as other than my limited research, I have no experience. If she is eating at all, try to give her something with a lot of protein, meat scraps work great. She is at an age where her body slows down, so it might be her time to go unfortunately
Can you post pictures of the possible tumors?
There's only one that you can really see, be here it is, I circled it.
She's wet cause I was cleaning up her bottom.
How much has she been eating? If she's under weight, maybe try giving her more fatty food.
She really hasn't been eating at all, I'm gonna have to get something into her.
What does her poop look like?
Not solid, and not much.
I'm dreadfully sorry to hear about this poor girl. Let's try to get her fixed up!
Thank you! But, I'm thinking this might be it for her. 😞
Sorry, but all considered, I'd euthanize.
Poor girl. She does look really bad. I am by far not an expert on this topic , as other than my limited research, I have no experience. If she is eating at all, try to give her something with a lot of protein, meat scraps work great.
Thank you for your inputs!
She is at an age where her body slows down, so it might be her time to go unfortunately
I agree, I think her time has come. 😞

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