Lethargic chicken

If it's pox you just need to let it run it's course, but removing the pus and applying iodine seemed to help mine heal faster. Your hen also has bubbles in her eyes, so I suspect she might have a secondary infection and/or the wet form of pox. Make sure she's eating and not losing weight. If she stops eating or starts to lose weight you'll have to tube feed her and probably start her on an antibiotic.

Is there any pus in her mouth? Or a foul smell around her head?

No foul smell and I don't see any puss in her mouth. But something is building up on her beak. Moving her into the garage where it's warmer tonight to keep a closer eye on her.
Would spraying some blue coat on the sores help?
Just had my wife help me move her into the garage. The build up on her beak is cleaned off and it is clear liquid coming from her eyes and makes it way to the beak and dries. I cleaned it off. I noticed it shakes it head 1-2 times a minute when I am bothering it or if the chicken gets agitated . When it shakes it's head bubbles and ooze come out of the eyes. What now?
After reading around. I might have an outbreak of bronchitis . Not good

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