Lethargic Hen with Watery, Undigested Poop

True. ^ As an update,she of finished with all her meds, but still has to be wormed. She has been more lively, eating more, and her comb has not been purple, but her poop is still abnormal looking. Maybe she just needs time? Otherwise she seems to be doing ok at the moment
Can you post a picture of her poop?

Sorry i haven't updated. I've been very busy! The good news i she has fully recovered. She is eating, running around, and her poop is normal again (it did take about two weeks for her poop to return to normal). The problem is, I have no idea what was wrong with her. I gave her so many meds: valbazen, oxytetracycline, baytril, metacam, orbax, corid, calcium supplement, vitamin D 3 supplement (I think that was all of them). None of them seemed to work. She kind of recovered on her own. This is the third time she has done this to me and I have no idea what her problem is. I'm guessing a weak immune system? None of the other flock mates have gotten sick. She also hasn't laid an egg in months... I love her, but she really stresses me out with this problem of hers.
Thanks so much for the update! It is so hard to treat them when you don't know what is wrong to begin with. My hen has been filled with so many drugs that her eggs (if he lives long enough to lay one) will probably never be safe to eat. LOL

I'm so happy for both of you that she is healthy again!
This is great news! glad she is doing better.

I'm still nursing my one, she seems like yours, always something. her poo is now very small and her crop is not full at night. but it is empty in the morning. she seems not to be eating much, not sure why. I'm just keeping an eye on her for now. she molted in November and seems to be losing feathers again started yesterday. I don't know what to think.
This is great news!  glad she is doing better.

I'm still nursing my one, she seems like yours, always something. her poo is now very small and her crop is not full at night. but it is empty in the morning. she seems not to be eating much, not sure why.  I'm just keeping an eye on her for now.  she molted in November and seems to be losing feathers again started yesterday.  I don't know what to think.  

Thanks! Mine actually molted while she was recovering. Did you try worming her? Also, my vet told me calcium is good for getting their systems moving. Is she getting enough? My bird was, but she still recommended a supplement a supplement anyways.
Well, her poo was bigger last night, her crop isn't full, but she is eating. I give oyster shell free choice in the henhouse and in the run, but she isn't laying right now so I don't think that is it. I wonder if the other's are keeping her from the food. I had moved one of the feeders more forward so it would be easier to reach to refill. So I moved it back a couple days ago and her crop seems a little fuller at night. She was more vocal today, talking like the other girls. she has been pretty quiet for a while. Hopefully whatever it is she is on the mend.
She seems to be doing ok. Her poo is getting bigger, almost back to normal size. today her crop wasn't full at night, but it wasn't empty either. The last few days I also saw her eating the greens I brought out. So, I'll just keep an eye on her for now. Acting fine, eating and such...

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