lethargic keet

Its Just Us Chickens

11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
One of the guinea keets we got yesterday is lethargic this morning. It's not the hurt one, he's doing great this morning. This one is one that was doing fine at 2:30 this morning. But at 7:00 is was very still and sleepy. He's still breathing fine, we're trying to keep it warm. I have no idea what's wrong with him.

We lost it.
I have a feeling that first night we didn't do a good enough job controlling the temp in their crate. We didn't have a brooder. DH got up yesterday morning to go get the stuff to make a brooder, and when he got home with it, the keet was gone. I had gone back and gotten a few more to go with the first ones I got. We put them all in the brooder and have been keeping an eye on the temp, so far they are all doing well.

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