Lethargic tiny chick, seemingly no other symptoms

Hi guys, so here is how treatment has been going so far:

Day 1: lots of improvement
Day 2: went backwards A LOT, thought she was going to pass to be honest, but she was very very sleepy the whole day
Day 3: She got better again, not as energetic as day one but 7/10 in terms of being "like a chicken" (energetic, preening, eating) we started also giving her honey water in addition to Corid water.
Day 4: (today) she is still holding up. She is stretching a lot, drinking on her own, eating, chirping louder

Day 5: (tomorrow) will be day 5 of Corid treatment so we will stop treatment after tomorrow and go back to nutridrench water and add honey.

Overall she is doing much better, but not 100%. Hopefully she will continue to perk up and grow :)
Glad to hear you're seeing some improvement!
At what point is the chick expected to finally grow/recover? she is so-so and i'm starting to wonder at what point am I prolonging any suffering.

She seems to be better still, just super tiny and on & off lethargic
Before you give up on her, try the poly-vi sol infant vitamins, one or two drops a day on her beak and a scrambled egg a day. If she has been on medicated feed, she may have a vitamin deficiency.
Just ordered it on amazon (it wasn't at my local stores, I checked earlier today). I figured that since we stopped the vitamin water to avoid counteracting the corid. Overall I'm still hopeful just like c'mon when can I expect some growth/full energy. My little silkie is just about her size already and twice as energetic. I've also been debating adding a second silkie.. just hesitant because these will be with me in med school and I feel like three is a crowd lol... I'm also nervous that the two silkies will leave her in the dust, but if she is going to pass I would like to add the silkie sooner than later because I want them to be about the same age. Anyways thanks for all your help, and I won't give up on her just trying to inform my "adding another silkie" decision. Thank you again :)))))
Just ordered it on amazon (it wasn't at my local stores, I checked earlier today). I figured that since we stopped the vitamin water to avoid counteracting the corid. Overall I'm still hopeful just like c'mon when can I expect some growth/full energy. My little silkie is just about her size already and twice as energetic. I've also been debating adding a second silkie.. just hesitant because these will be with me in med school and I feel like three is a crowd lol... I'm also nervous that the two silkies will leave her in the dust, but if she is going to pass I would like to add the silkie sooner than later because I want them to be about the same age. Anyways thanks for all your help, and I won't give up on her just trying to inform my "adding another silkie" decision. Thank you again :)))))
I'd get another anyway. Two friends are always better than one. 😊
I agree! Go for it! Three's not a crowd at all! And I think you're right that it would be harder to add another bird the older the first one gets, the age / size gap gets bigger, and also harder emotionally to have to do it later if your little wee one doesn't make it. 😔

First we got our five Australorps, but I knew I wanted more birds, so luckily I was able to convince DH to just got for it as well and promptly place an order for a second small batch. They are just 15 days apart! The size difference is still something we are working out a bit in the brooder, as I've started letting them spend some time mingling now each day, but I think it should be easier for you if it's just two or three birds with sweet dispositions, rather than a whole flock dynamic to work out.

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