Let's have a gosling hatchalong!

Hi All

Thanks for the good wishes as I was really fed up yesterday (yes - even me)! Gone back to basic with the remaining eggs which is 37.3C, incubators running dry around 25% humidity and daily cooling according to original regime of about 20 minutes. I've switched off the auto cooling on the new incubator as the period is 1 to 3 hours in 30 minute intervals (cant set it under 60 minutes) so its back to standard cooling by hand. (Alarm set on my mobile phone).

Hope everyone's hatches go well and for the weekend as I'm away visiting family so wont be online so much.

Congratulations on the babies and sounds like the weaker Dewlap is just getting stringer and stronger. Great news and a reward for your efforts

Lovely to see your goslings progressing too and I think the weaker SB will gradually recover its strength. I'll bet you're over the moon to get babies from Gloria at last and a Blue SB

On the plus side our newly re-formed pair of Dewlaps go from strength to strength with breeding behaviour and again mating this morning. So strange that neither bothered when with other partners and had been with them since late Autumn. These two have been back together just 5 days!!! Very late in the season to be starting but I do think it'll happen. In the absence of some goslings pics I had hoped to be taking here's some pics in the garden.

Oh and I'm also another keen photographer

Gorgeous geese Pete, and looks like he hit the spot!!!
Thank you both for the comments.

They are a very good pair and the Gander is a very big bird. Despite being both an older and heavyweight Dewlap looks like he's still got breeding potential. Hoping for some quality Grey Splits and Grey daughters from them both even if its getting late in the season for 1st eggs

Good morning. :) I'm happy to report that both my hard hatchlings are doing well today.
Thank goodness I have a few days break before the next set goes into lockdown this weekend. This past weekend's hatch was long and stressful!

Pete, very sorry to hear of your frustration. How many dewlap eggs are in your bator now?
Congrats to everyone.

Good looking pics everyone.

A few eggs have zipped but I'm not sure about many of them because I am smelling a rotten smell. I think they are done. :(
Hi Kim!!
How has the breeding for your Buff saddlebacks been coming along??? I know you were looking forward to getting some maybe curly Buff saddlebacks this year.

Sometime what we plan as the human is not the same plans the geese have huh!

Hey Barb! Yea, you can have all the plans in the world for sure, but someone that has done this a while once told me "sometimes its best just to let them have their own way"....if you want fertile eggs anyway *lol* From Pete's last post, looks like his season may not be over after all after giving them their own way!

I don't have any visual color yet, but since Harry (girl) carries BB Muffin's sb gene, I'm guessing she could pass that on to the goslings. I have about 10 more eggs to go, and I know that some of them are from Paige (buff sb Henri kid) so
I will get something nice. Color is just a bonus!

Your colored adults are so lovely that those goslings will have to be great!
Pete -- absolutely STUNNING birds and photography!! I need me a big girl camera now.

This may be off topic, but here is a pic of the Canadians that took up residence at our pond. They wouldn't let me get quite as close as yours photos but dang those goslings are cute just the same!

Are the babies better off in a brooder with a solid bottom or a wire bottom, what is the ideal brooding temp,
I'm more nervous about these sebastapol than I was my daughter.

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