lets see the chickens that ROCK:)

ah.. Blu at a year old!



Not quite, both the Amrock and Plymouth Rock are both bred from the same initial stock, so it can be said that they are both the same breed but it two types.

The Plymouth was bred as a show bird at a very early stage in the breeds history, while the Amrock was bred and kept for being a utility bird. They where very popular all over the world, but then where succeeded by the hybrid egg layers.

Plymouth Rocks tend to be bigger than the Amrocks, and the tail is not as spread as the Amrocks. There is also subtle differences in shape as well as the comb size on the hens.

While the PR lay creamy coloured eggs the Amrocks lay brown eggs.

It's possible that in the UK the two breeds are confused, but they are in fact two separate breeds.

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