Lets see your Geese and Breeder pens


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Brainerd, MN
Many of us who are new to raising geese are interested in what your Geese houses,breeder pens,night time pens look like. Lets see many pictures please.
We've got an old building in the back yard, was the original house...it's almost 200 years old. We've turned it into pens and fly-outs. The pigeons are in front and the geese have the back half.
Rabbit has a pen above the geese. We used the original windows as the openings to the fly-outs.It has a cement floor and electricity to it.
Cool!! I am hoping to put doors in the side of our barn for runs outside. Then each pen can be turned out individually.

Here is my new one...I used to use just the iron cage, but it was too small for the 4 of them, so we built a cedar deck, split the cage in half and built the wooden structure with the door and I can stand up in it!! We have put rubber matting on top of both cage pieces and they have a "nest area" on one end and those walls have boards except for the last 10" towards the top. The right side of the cage (their front door) is open on the sides...screened in front porch

The green you see was the nest box from last year, which is now their food house, I put their grain in there so it doesn't get wet. I will be painting it the same gray/purple this spring.
The geese are in a 25' x 50' pen when we aren't home, and they free range on 3 acres as long as we are outside, which in the summer is almost all the time. They rarely get too far away from the main yard.
The alpacas always get in the picture.
These are my young guys.

I have three pens in the backyard - here is one of them:

Pen #2

Pen #3 - We turned our garden into a pen after all the plants died off. Of course, this is only a temporary pen.

My Peafowl pen - it could easily be turned into another geese breeding pen.

These are the pens I have right now, we're planning on 12 new breeding pens (for geese and ducks). Here is what we're thinking:

There are three gates, two on each side of the building, and one large gate at the front. We're going to use 5ft H cattle panels, and perhaps some hog panels and make 12 individual breeding pens. Each pen will be aprox. 6ft. wide x 22-24+ ft long. Each pen will have a house/nesting area, a pool, etc. We're thinking for the best drainage possible we'll use sand in all the runs, and maybe small rocks/pea gravel around the pools. I have some plans drawn up, I'll try and put those on here so you can visualize what I'm thinking.

More to come...

~ Aspen
Hey guys those are some neet pens. I just had to make another pen inside the barn do to another goose decided to lay an egg. So out of the 7 geese I now have 5 inside. With so much snow right now it would be hard to get some good pictures of there summer pens. I told the DH that we are gonna have to change a few things and make them winter pens too. We have to move their huts closer to the barn and make new ones. I am thinking one large 3 sided lean too and divide it in half. Then on each side put only a half wall for more pertection from the elements and for the food. In each pen/pasture there is 6-10 ducks in each one. I only have two but the brain is thinking on making two more. UGHHHH I need to shut the brain off until spring!!!
Very nice pics!! FYI, holderreads website has a photo gallery which shows their pens and yards. Pretty nice stuff.
Very nice! I will have to try to get some pictures of our set up. Basically we have a big bank barn built in the 1850's. The lower level faces the east and one 14x16 box stall with daytime access to an acre of pasture. Right now I am letting them out so they can come up to the yard so I don't have to carry water so far for the kiddie pool. No water out to the old barn right now. That will be a project for another day. We are also looking into digging a good sized pond out in the pasture and making it larger. We will see after this breeding season with geese.
This was technically our duck breeding pens, but I sold off all my breeding stock just 2 months ago so it has now become my white sebbies, and cotton patch geese breeding pens.

I don't have updated pictures at the moment but we cut the openings a bit bigger, and now one of the opening is acutally on the other side of the shed (if you get what I mean) we closed up the one on the right. And we ran fence down basically the middle to split the geese. They each have kiddie pools and we built kind of like shantys which honestly I am PRAYING they don't build nests in lol the eggs will freeze in them for sure its just tin shantys for extra protection....Its much warmer in the actual shed...

Inside the shed two seperate nesting areas...

One of the nesting boxes... (Again this was for my ducks so we had to expand the doors a bit!!!)

door on right is gone and its on the end of the shed now...

Plenty of room for only four geese haha!!! I do miss my duckies though looking back at these pictures!

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