Letting a broody hatch late in the year??

I candled the eggs yesterday they all look good! They should hatch Friday! I'm excited .. anything I should watch for when they start to hatch? Will momma really do it all?
So exciting!! Hoping for a great hatch for you! How many eggs do you have?
She's sitting on 5 fertilized eggs and on any given day 3 or 4 un-fertilized ones too lol! She keeps taking eggs out of the other nesting boxes! I had to mark the fertile ones and check almost daily to take back the ones she steals! She's too funny
Too funny! I moved our broody to a dog kennel, hoping to keep this from happening. I open it daily to let her out to dust bathe and eat, and always find one of her sisters has crept in and laid an egg while she is gone! These girls crack me up.

How did your hatch go? Our eggs have a little ways to go. Our first time hatching eggs. We are so excited!
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I have two fluffy chicks cheeping up a storm and two eggs still not ready .. Hoping they will pip and hatch soon .. I candled them again and they seem good and I can see movement inside so I'm hopeful they will hatch soon.


We did have one casualty :( somehow one of the eggs got broken open, found it in the back of the nesting box when momma got up to eat. Makes me sad but that's how it goes sometimes I guess ..
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Thanks for the picture!! So cute! I hope the other eggs hatch soon.

I candled ours yesterday and threw out two that hadn't even begun developing. Hope the rest keep on growing. It is so amazing to see that little thing in there growing. Life is amazing.
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