Lice and Elector PSP

Bird Collector

10 Years
Aug 13, 2009
North Carolina
My girls have lice and I have treated all with Elector PSP by spraying it all through their back end, legs and some spots on their backs by pulling their feathers back. I had to do it solo which went pretty well. I stood in their coop at dusk and as each came through the little auto door I grabbed them and did the deed. No body fussed. I surely wont have lice for all of the spray that got on me. :lol: I will be completely cleaning the coop as well. Did I spray them enough or should I have covered more of their body?
Probably should treat again in 7-10 days to get the ones that hatch out of all those egg casings. Just keep checking until you see no more evidence of live lice.

Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.

Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).

Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.

If you do find some...check out this thread:

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